Does eating breakfast make you loose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does eating breakfast make you loose weight”,you can compare them.

Yes, eating 6 small meals every day speeds up your metabolism, which helps your body burn fat easily. So do not skip any meals! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does eating breakfast make you loose weight
Can eating yogurt for breakfast make you loose weight overp ancak…?
definatly. even fatty yogurt is better than pancakes….reasons: yogurt – fat free or not – is a dairy product which is something u need, its healthy. ur body needs milk in its system, and even if its not fat free yogurt its DEFINATLY bette…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does eating breakfast help you loose weight?
Q: If you eat breakfast do you loose weight?? and if you drink a lot of milk?? I was just wondering if that was true
A: When you start your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast it kick starts your metabolism. But you will only lose weight if the breakfast you eat is designed to assist with weight loss, i.e. eating sugary cereals or donuts or fatty breakfasts with fried foods will NOT lead to weight loss. Try having two slices of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter or a boiled egg. Or cereal with skim milk- no sugar. Also, milk IS good for you- but when you say “a lot”- I am not sure how much you mean. Remember that full cream milk also contains fat- so one glass is ok, but chugging down liters and liters won’t help you. Rather have a glass or two of skim milk.
Eating a big breakfast to help loose weight?
Q: I don’t like to diet. I want to make a lifestyle change so I can maintain my weight & possibly loose 5 pounds. I usually eat a piece of fruit or cereal for breakfast, a small lunch & a large dinner. I have always heard that eating a big breakfast rather then a big dinner is better. Has anyone tried this & can tell me. Also, I have a hard time eating a big breakfast because I feel bloated & fat & I hate going to work feeling that way. What are some good healthy things to eat for breakfast (other then fruit)?
A: It is true that if your meals get progressively smaller as the day goes on it is good for your metabolism. The breakfast has to be balanced though, not just 3 bowls of cereal. Keep with the fruit, cereal, maybe a bagel and some juice too, just don’t overload on the cereal.
Can I Loose weight by not eating breakfast and lunch?
Q: i need to loose weight and that’s not so easy for me!
A: A BIG FAT N O…..You can Not, and Should NOT Skip Breakfast and Lunch. What are you looking to pass out? You need to eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks! You will get no where fast, and will faint and be weak in the process.
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