Does green tea burn belly fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does green tea burn belly fat”,you can compare them.

The benefits of green tea might include blocking fat and keeping extra pounds at bay, according to preliminary lab tests in mice. Note the word “preliminary” and that the test was done on mice, not humans. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does green tea burn belly fat
Does the Mega T Green Tea really burn belly fat??
It actually burns all fat in the body. When advertisements says it focuses on belly fat, this just implies that it is a beta blocker which sloths off fat. Since your body naturally stores fat in your abdominal area first in order to protect…
Does that new belly fat burning green tea really work??
No it doesn’t. You need to exercise and stop eating fatty foods. Thats the only way to loose weight. Why don’t you ask your mum if you can start going on family walks or walk the dog together? Maybe bond a little on these walks and expla…
Do those “belly fat burning” green tea capsules really …?
It’s basically a caffeine tablet. So yes, a ripoff, although it had mild thermogenic effects (not enough to make the kind of person who’d use them lose weight though).

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does Green Tea burn belly fat?
Q: Does green tea help burn fat while dieting?? If I were to drink one cup of green tea before bedtime every night for a month…how much more weight would i lose??I am burning off 8 lbs per month right now with a strict 1200 calorie diet and exersize
A: yes a matter of fact it does green tea does many things for you and is recommended by all. but green tea must be drank every day to become effective. another way to get rid of belly fat is to get rid of excess body fluids and water weight. if you go to your doctor and ask him or her if its right for you. ask for lasix its not harmful at all if used as you are told most athletes use it. if you like before seeing your doc just so you know what you are talking about. google it . see what you think.and you seem to be doing good with your diet anyway.
Combining Natrol Acai Berry Diet supplement with Mega-T Green Tea (Burn Belly Fat) supplement?
Q: Has anyone ever mixed two different diet supplements. I’m thinking of buying Natrol Acai Berry Diet and Mega-T Green Tea (Burn Belly Fat) and was wondering if it is safe to take both at once. Or to alternate taking each every other day. For both, the daily dose suggested is to consume 2 pills once a day. So maybe take one of each everyday instead of two of one kind.Please someone give me some advice based on experience or what you’ve heard through the grapevine. THANKS!
A: Actually I did mix them together. No changes in my weight loss. No weight loss here.Did not work for me but they did work my wallet. I signed up for free 30 day trial – just pay $4.95 s&h. A month later I got charged $58.95 and said I would be charged every month thereafter for a bottle a month. I did not get my 2nd bottle. Bye bye Acai Burn
does that new belly fat burning green tea really work?
Q: im 12 n they keep avratizin that nnew belly fat burning green tea and i wanted to lose weight befor school starts age:12weight:195hight:5ft 1in
A: No it doesn’t.You need to exercise and stop eating fatty foods. Thats the only way to loose weight.Why don’t you ask your mum if you can start going on family walks or walk the dog together? Maybe bond a little on these walks and explain to your mum that your upset about your weight and you would like some help. Ask her if the family could all start eating healthier meals together and doing fun activities.You will be slim and slinky in no time my darling. You have time on your side, Your only young :).Its easier to loose weight young too so if you think your weight is an issue and your concerned about heart disease in the future then now is the right time to start.You go for it sweetheart!!!!
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