Does oranges make you poop more

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does oranges make you poop more”,you can compare them.

Foods with lots of fiber help you to poop. Oranges don’t count, but strawberries, bananas, blackberries, and spinach can help. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does oranges make you poop more
Do Oranges make you Poop?
Any Food does and which way do you mean?? like a natural laxitive or something
What can I eat or drink to make my pee green and/or my poop irrid…?
asparagus for green urine, carrots or sweet potatoes for orange feces. i assume you would have to consume very large quantities for it to have a noticeable effect, though.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean whne you poop is orange?
Q: My poop has been extremely foul smelling and is orange in color. Should i be worried? I have been diagnosed with IBS before.
A: My diagnosis is for you to see a doctor.
Does Alli diet pills make your poop orange.?
Q: Haha, mines orange and it like floats like oil. Is that normal? Thats how my boyfriends is too.Thank you haha. And yeah, I got that far.Does it actually work though?
A: Haha yea. I used Alli before and hated it. It happens when you eat more fat than you’re supposed to. It’s normal when taking the pill but it’s really gross. Heads up, when it feels like you have to poot…go to the bathroom…chances are it’s not just a poot.
Is it normal for a dog to have pink, and orange poop?Mine does and it freaks me out!?
A: Sure if it ate a box of crayons? No, it is not normal.
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