Does smoking weed effect breast feeding

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smoking weed effect breast feeding”,you can compare them.

Yes, the chemical THC comes out in breastmilk and then of course ends up in the baby, which is highly dangerous. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking weed effect breast feeding
Is drinking liqour or smoking weed or cigarettes bad when breastf…?
obviously smoking weed would be bad…it’s illegal and you could loose your child. Smoking not good either, legal but do you really want to do that while breast feeding. Now alcohol….drinking too much is bad. But, if you need to relax, a …
Do you think smoking weed once in a while is OK while breastfeedi…?
nmof2, if the blood, pee, or stool were tested, the marijuana would show up in all of it. That doesn’t mean that it goes straight to the infant’s pee and poop. It goes there after it flows through the rest of the body. It does the same in a…
What harm does smoking weed n breastfeeding cause?
I agree with ronic. Medical experts will tell you to stop drinking, smoking & doing drugs whilst pregnant & afterwards if breast feeding. It does show in your breast milk in small traces but that is all it takes for a baby to be aff…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

breast feeding while smoking cigarettes, weed and drinking!!!?
Q: so a friend of mine just had a baby, she drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes and smoked weed, now she is breast feeding and still doing these things!! what will happen to the baby? i’ve tried talking to her about it but shes not listening and i understand i cant force to not do anything but im just wondering what health effects could the baby have?well she doesnt smoke in the house which i thought was kind of funny. she lives with the father and what is really funny the father quit doing all those things but she wont! she thinks its a hassle to get formula and have to mix it! i have tried talking to her but she just doesnt listen. i would like to know the the health issues are that could be caused by this. and thanks for the answers so fare :)and she is 20 years oldher mother is a crack head and her father is a dead beat bum, they couldnt care any less, when she first told her mother she was pregnant the mother’s response was : you better not bring that snotty nose brat here thinking i would babysit it and dont even think of asking for money you stupid whore! this is exactly what her mother said to her!!!
A: The addiction is just the same for baby as it is for anyone. Just don’t get suckered into babysitting, b/c baby will SCREAM the whole time, from the withdrawls. I don’t understand why people breast feed if they are going to continue their own bad habits. It’s not “helping” they baby which is what breast feeding is all about… giving baby the best. That’s like feeding baby rotten milk.
Young, Ignorant mothers…?
Q: I think we need to start reporting the posts like this one (–&paid=answered#H7hSXkS1UWL8WcPA4MOs)to some sort of actual authority. I made my mistakes, but none bad enough to have my world (my son) taken away.I know I have smoked weed twice since my son was born to deal with my severe migraines (and wished I never had because in texas they WILL take your child). Neither of which were while I was breast feeding. But anytime a migraine started coming on and he wasn’t staying the weekend with grandma and grandpa, I lay in a dark room and deal with it. There is NO excuse to subject your children to the effects of drugs. You may not have any respect for yourself, but at least have some for your kid. Just look at the teenager giving drugs to infants on video….bet you didn’t think that was okay so what in the hell do you think you’re doing to your kid?
A: I do agree, i just don’t think reporting will do any good.
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