Does the Adkins diet work

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The Atkins diet restricts processed and refined carbohydrates and limits intake to 15-60 grams per day, encouraging protein and fat consumption. Its effectiveness has come under scrutiny in recent studies. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does the Adkins diet work
Does the adkins diet work?
The atkins diet is great if you don’t want to build muscle and you’re fairly sedentary. I unfortunately learned this the hard way, it has the tendency to strip off muscle if you’re trying to build muscle at the same time. But, if that’s not…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does the adkins diet work?
Q: How does it work? How many carbs are you allowed to have?
A: when you first start, you’re allowed virtually no carbs. it works because your body turns the carbs into sugar and it screws with your insulin and blood sugar levels, and makes you hungry and eat more. cut the carbs and you don’t have this. sorry Im not doctor but thats basically how i understand itit really does work but its hard to maintain eating such few carbs. if you do decide to go on it don’t go all out and forget about fat content (even though the book says you can). try to stick to lean meats for your protein (ie, NOT a pound of bacon for breakfast).
Does the Adkins Diet really work?
Q: And is it safe and healthy?
A: Yes, it works and yes, it’s safe. But PLEASE make sure you are following the actual diet and not just a preconceived notion of it or other people’s advice. A lot of people are under the assumption that the Atkin’s Diet just means cutting out all carbs, and that is NOT true.Here is the actual program:
Anyone do adkins diet and it work, anyone ever drink vodka in phase 1 and still loose weight?
Q: I have a birthday party to go to and want to know if you can still loose weight.
A: you will lose weight on this diet. its not a healthy way to do it, and your more likely to put the weight back on than with any other diet, but you will lose can drink vodka, but remember alcohol will cause some more fat initially. you will just have to work extra hard later on.
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