How can I gain weight with a really high metabolism

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In order to gain healthy (lean muscle) weight with a high metabolism, you need to exceed your calorie expenditure by eating every 2 hours, supplementing with high calorie protein shakes, and eat a healthy amount of carbs. ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I gain weight with a really high metabolism
How to gain weight with a really high metabolism?
What ever you do DO NOT START EATING JUNK FOOD. Your probably going through a growth spurt right now. If you eat 3000+ calories per day and do not do any excessive exercises you should gain weight. Like I said before don’t eat junk food. Ma…
How do i gain weight? i have a REALLY high metabolism??
I have the same problem as you I’m 18 and i weight 93 pounds. I’m taking a health class and learned a lot. The first thing you wanna do is gain healthy weight none of that fat greasy food. Heres a paragraph from my text book: As difficult a…
How can I gain weight if I am really skinny and have a high metab…?
The trick to gain weight is to take more calories that what you use. Of course that doesn’t mean you’re gonna go into eating everything you see. You have to think of doing it the healthy way. They are 3 things you really need: protein, carb…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does a person with REALLY REALLY high metabolism gain weight?
Q: I’ve tried eating and exercising like crazy.. but my metabolism is just too fast!What do I do?
A: I see your problem. If you are eating a lot but then exercising you were losing the benefits from eating. To gain weight do it in a healthy way, eat more healthy foods, in bigger portions and cut back a bit at the gym.
How can a person with high metabolism gain weight?
Q: My boyfriend is 5’9 and his weight ranges between 112 at the lowest and has only gotten up to 118. He has an incredibly fast metabolism and can eat anything and loses weight. What is the fastest and healthiest way for him to gain weight?
A: I used to have the same problem until recently. I was stick thin at 150, being 6’3″ I looked real skinny. Now I just eat as much as I can of breads, meats, oats, milk, and other types of healthy foods. Since last August I have gained 45 pounds(I also work out 5 days a week) and I look a lot better. Also I do not eat any type of fast food or drink soda.
How can I gain weight having high metabolism?
Q: Hello…so I have really high metabolism and even tho i eat a lot i still dont gain weight ……on the other hand i loose weight easily..the past 2 months i went from 117 to 112 lbs so im tryin to find a way to gain at least 5-10 pounds….anyone know of any vitamins or medicine or anything????
A: You can nutritionally gain weight without binging or whatever. Just simply eat more protein and lift weights to build muscle weight and also drink alot of water to pick up water weight. I know the latter is not that permanent but at least its gaining weight.
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