How can I losse weight in 3 weeks

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Set small, realistic goals. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try for 5 pounds, relax a bit and then go for 5 more. Start a regular exercise program and stick with it. Sneak in extra exercise in addition to your regular program. Park at MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I losse weight in 3 weeks
How To Lose Weight in 3 Weeks
Are you feeling upset at the moment because the producst you’ve been using to lose weight doesn’t seem to work at all? Do you think you’re spending too much money but you’re not getting what you deserve at all? I know how frustrating it i…
Can you gain weight 3 weeks after conception?
Yes, average weight gain during pregnancy is about 1 kilo per week.
Why is dog still losing weight 3 weeks after giving birth?
I hope that you are giving the dog enough food. She is having to feed her puppies milk, and that takes extra energy. Mother dogs need extra food in order to feed themselves and their puppies. Try increasing the amount of food, and if that d…

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How to losse weight in 3 weeks?
Q: i am 12 going on 13 and in three wees i am going to texas i weight 125 lbs. i have three weeks and one day and i want to be sinny enough to wear a bikkni or a two peaice the shows my stamach please help i feel really insecure about my stomache
A: You cant target fat loss you have to lose fat from all your body, which includes your belly. To Do that you must start with a good healthy low fat and high protein diet. Along with a good diet you have to exercise more often than usual. Running is always a good cardio workout which will trim fat but also along with that try to run bleachers or stairs that will work your core and your legs. If you do all of this you could lose up to 15 pounds in 3 weeks with good hard training. If you want food help try Tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread also workout after you eat your sandwich so your body can work with protein, also drink lots of low fat milk and water( no soda, candy or fast food)hope this helped 🙂
i need to losse Weight in about 3 weeks what exercises should ido i ride my my bike for about 15min ?
Q: how do i stop eating so much food?????????????????HELPthax i will pick the best answer in a couple of week and let u no thax to all
A: 15min is not enough. Ride for at least 25-30min. Technically your body was just getting started exercising. You need to exercise longer. Eat a big breakfast, small lunch, and very small dinner. Eat small snacks in between. Make sure your meals and 3hrs apart though. And drink only water! That helps trust me, I’ve lost 50lbs without a dieting. I just ate small portions and only drank water.
What are the effects of implanon and trying to losse weight?
Q: Iv had my implanon in since april and iv began to gain a lot of weight even though i exercise for about a hour 3-4 hours a week and eat small around 1000 – 1500 cal a day but i still continue to gain weight. Has anyone had the same problem? Thanks
A: I too had the implanon and gained heaps of weight, (which I was told was a side effect) so I pretty much had no other alternative but to get it out. It also effected my bleeding patterns and was a shitty experience having the implanon in. My doctor did warn me that 60% of his patients that come in that get it end up getting it taken out within 6months of having it, so dont think its meant for everyone.
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