How could i get diet pills without a doctor prescription

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How could i get diet pills without a doctor prescription”,you can compare them.

You cannot get prescription weight loss drugs without a prescription. There are many non-FDA approved weight loss drugs available over the counter. None have been proven to work. ChaCha on. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How could i get diet pills without a doctor prescription
How could i get diet pills without a doctor prescription
You cannot get prescription weight loss drugs without a prescription. There are many non-FDA approved weight loss drugs available over the counter. None have been proven to work. ChaCha on.

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debate continues..alternative vs medical doctors?
Q: Not sure how to start this but here goes..I know the debate goes back many many years…Let me just say I have had less side effects with the herbal/natural meds that I have taken than I did when taking prescription meds…But then again if not for traditional medicine I wouldn’t be alive today..Just looks like people could come to some medium where both are concerned. There are both good herbs and bad herbs (well not necessarily bad just might be allergic to them) and there is good and bad traditional medicines..Again let me say I have better results for MY conditions with herbs and supplements than I have had with prescribed meds. I suffer from migraines and have since I was little (I’m 36 now) and I have taken tons of prescribed meds for them, all with horrible side effects..I have since taken herbs/supplements (feverfew/magnesium) and it has helped with no side effects..I have taken amitriptyline for anxiety ( i don’t have depression but the med is for that) and it had awful side effects, I now take ashwagandha and l-theanine ( not together) and it has made a difference in my anxiety with no side effects…Why won’t people agree there are good and bad in both? There have been more people that have passed away from prescribed meds than herbs/supplements. I have had personal experience with medical doctors are to readily to write out a script of pain meds than find the underlying cause of the pain. Do you know how many people have become addicted to pain meds in this world?? It is sad and mainly cause doctors keep writing scripts, I have about 6 scripts of pain meds here I have never gotten filled, some with 60-90 pills plus refills. It is just scary that it has come to the point a person gets afraid of traditional meds. And it isn’t just pain meds, its meds like antidepressants and adhd meds and many more that are wrote out so readily..What many docs don’t tell their patients is diet, exercise, and simple factors play apart in everyday life, I am not here to down medical science, I have needed it before and probably will again..( pray not though)I reckon what I am trying to say without my words getting misconstrued is that medical doctors are great! but so are the herbalist and REAL all natural doctors that took the training to help all of us as well..I have heard it said that all natural/herbs/supplements are just a placebo effect…well..I don’t believe that least not for myself…BUT if it were and it did HELP that person with their problem, than is that so bad? Would mean they treated themselves by thinking the drug helped without all the nasty side effects! Amen , what a grand thing. Just look at the side effects of antidepressants (suicide, bad thoughts, etc.) versus something natural. I know what works for me and others might not work for you or others but like prescribed meds, there are more than one option in natural meds as well.I am just so tired of SOME , not all, medical doctors and others that have NO experience with natural things to down them, and what I mean by experience is actually trying them themselves..I think medical science and naturalist could work together to help prevent/treat/ medical issues if they would.. And I know SOME doctors will do this on SOME issues, but not very many doctors will.Again I am not here to make anyone mad, I agree with both natural and non natural meds. Just here to state MY opinion like the people either being real doctors or pretending to be on here answering my questions on here by being rude and telling me to stay away from natural supplements/herbs.For those who read this thoroughly thank you…Excuse any typos, I was typing quite quickly!
A: Check out these links and decide for yourself these will help you in finding the truth :- care and God bless.
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