How do you get vitamin D from being out in the sun

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Ultraviolet B rays from the sun boost production of Vitamin D, therefore some limited sun exposure is actually healthy MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get vitamin D from being out in the sun
How can you get vitamin D without being in the sun?
Vitamin D supplement are available over the counter. Taking something without first consulting your health care provider is not recommended. Angie RN

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Being in the Sun creates Vitamin D i was told. How much of that comes from UVA n UVB?
Q: I play water sports wearing a SPF 50+ long sleeves top and long pants. Will that stop all Vitamin D creation? What part of the sun’s rays creates Vit D in humans?
A: Perhaps one of the most active minerals in your body is calcium, which requires vitamin D to be absorbed into your blood stream and the majority of people are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is not found in very many foods and when it is in low quantities. You should get most of the vitamin D your body needs from the Sun. But you can also get it from supplements and some foods that are fortified with vitamin D.When the sun’s UV light hits your skin, fatty acids or cholesterol in your skin create vitamin D and Inositol triphosphate, INSP-3. In 5 to 10 minute skin exposure to the sun, 20,000 units of vitamin D are created. This vitamin D finds it way into your intestinal wall where it assists calcium to move through its walls and into your blood stream. No matter how much calcium food you eat or calcium supplements you take, your will not absorb the calcium your body needs without a large supply of vitamin D. Inositol triphosphate is also created when the sun creates vitamin D. Inositol triphosphate then finds its way into every body cell. Its function is to release calcium that is stored in your cells when your body is deficient in calcium. When you don’t have enough calcium in your blood and in and around your cell liquid, inositol triphosphate will activate the release of calcium from your cell walls. What is important here is that once you deplete the calcium in your cell walls, your body starts taking calcium from your bones. After it weakens your bones, it starts getting calcium from protein that makes up your body cells. All of this activity eventually leads to serious degenerative diseases in the cardiovascular, joint, nerve, organ, and cell system. Since calcium is at work every where in your body, your whole body is compromised when you lack calcium. Recent studies have shown that the lack of vitamin D is one of the causes of cancer and this is related to the lack of calcium. Sunscreen comes into play in vitamin D deficiency; and we need suncreen to protect our skin. But as stated above in paragraph 2: in 5 to 10 minute skin exposure to the sun, 20,000 units of vitamin D are created and that is pretty minimal exposure to the harmful rays of the sun; then we can apply the sun screen. Most sunscreen blocks the UVB sun radiation that allows your body to create Vitamin D. Some times they do not provide the block for the UVA radiation, which is responsible for sunburn and skin cancer. When you do need a good sunscreen make sure it blocks both UVB and UVA, since both UVA and UVB cause tanning and burning. Years ago, I had an extremely bad sun burn which damaged my skin. Now, even with the protection of sunscreen, I have to be very careful whenever I am in the sun. I depend on Vitamin D supplements for the required daily intake of Vitamni D that your body needs.
How do we get vitamin d from the sun?
Q: I don’t think the sun is shooting out particles of vitamin d so I guess the vitamin in produced in our skin cells, triggered by the absorption of the UV. Is that right or does the sun actually give off vitamin d?
A: Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight.
Does your skin still absorb vitamin D from the sun if you are wearing sunscreen?
Q: I have pale skin and I like it that way, but want to start going in the sun for health purposes. If i wear sunscreen to keep my skin white will I still get the sun vitamins?
A: this important question but simply u would get little and acc to the degree of SPF of the used cream or lotion the higher the SPF the higher the sun protection and the lower the vit d u get and the more protection from skin cancer
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