How do you take a crap

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I like to sit on a comfortable toilet seat and think happy thoughts while willing myself to push, thank you. Have a ChaCha day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you take a crap
・ step1 stool chart once you feel like the feces will come out of your rectum, head to the nearest… ・ step2 roman toilet take your pants and underwear off and sit down on the toilet seat. ・ step3 here is where it varies. if it… — (Real Man Mag) Los Angeles – Remember when you were a youngster, perhaps 8 or 10, and your old man sat you down and said “Son, now here’s how you take a dump”? Yeah, me neither. And therein lies the problem. After your par…
– which details a Chinese acupressure method for eliminating constipation and other alimentary canal difficulties.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does networking mean taking crap from people?
Q: I know there are a lot of fake people out there and you have get past this to get somethings done like at a work environment. I was just wondering how do you not let it effect you so much. I am a straight forward person. If I don’t like you, I won’t be rude but I can’t be fake and pretend to like you. I will be cordial, this is different.I just want to know what to do? Do I have to eat the sh!t some people feed me to get ahead?Thanks.
A: In my own personal experience, you have to do two things to “get ahead”: work very hard, and kiss the right a$$. Cordiality is professionalism, you must have that to build a career. But if you want someone to be willing to go above and beyond to help you accomplish something, a stronger professional relationship is helpful. If I’m invited to social events with co-workers, I try to make every effort to be there, particularly if they’re my peers or superiors. You learn a lot about their personality, and that can provide a lot of insight on how to work effectively with them. Getting to know people I don’t like at work has led me to some great friendships too. We don’t mesh at work, but we do at the bar or watching a college football game, for example. This leads to more effective work relationships.When you say you have to eat sh!t, that sounds like you’ve not garnered the respect of the person from whom you are eating. Stand up for yourself but not offensively, and remember sh!t flows downhill…just because it lands on your plate doesn’t mean you’re the one who has to eat it.
a question only for those that don’ like to take crap from no one?
Q: i had been in situations where you know it may not be safe to start a fist fight because you know you may lost the fight,even you know it you go for it,for example 2 days ago i was at work,took a break to use the restroom,only 2 other guys where in it,when i was leaving closing the bathroom door i heard one of the guys telling the other “it’s ok pal you don’t have to wash your hands if you don’t want to”.i heard it clearly,because i am not deaf,then i stood by the bathroom door trying to hear more and making sure they were talking about me,i heard them saying how stupid and pig i was by leaving the restroom without washing my hands, and some other crap about my race,and blah,blah blah,i wait for about 2 minutes outside,when they came out the they opened their eyes big open,they never thought that i was listening the whole time! i asked them to repeat what they were saying about me in my face of course they denied it,freaking cowards ,telling me that i was wrong and they did not any problems with me and blah,blah….anyhow i knew it in the moment that they were 2 and i was myself only,but i guess by being so angry i didn’t care that fact,and i could get my kicked by being outnumbered ,does ever something like this happens to you but you didn’t care and you just went for it,2 years ago i disarmed a guy from my neighborhood after i saw him shooting and killing a straight dog just for fun with a gunshot,when i came back to my place my girlfriend got very mad at me saying that i shouldn’t put my own life on risk by doing things like that.i hope you can understand all this,i know this web site can help you to see things that you may not be able to see for your self so please i am asking you to be honest with your answer and just try to help,thank youyes,i know i supposse to wash my hands before go back to work, i had 10 more minutes remainng to do it after the incident ,besides i never heard of a ‘patrol inside the bathroom” of 2 guys watching who and who does’t wash their hands in my workplace!!! comprende?
A: I was always a fighter too. Got into quite a few scrapes for incredibly little reasons. Thing is, I grew up. I realized that with some situations, a comment or even a simple face expression can impact just as well, if not more, than beating the crap out of someone. Sometimes its that anger level that people are purposely tryng to get you to…manipulating. I also realized that if I got caught, i wasnt just gonna get suspended or grounded…I was going to jail. An idiot is not worth my precious time. I recently had a woman (very ghetto-ish) who yelled and screamed for some reason (different story) while I stood at my doorway and simply smiled. As she started walking towards her car, she turned around and then called me out (to fight). She did her best to get me to come out by calling me names. I looked at my husband who had that “dont do it” look on his face as he knew I wanted to go outside. I turned to her, smile again, and closed the door. The screaming , cussing, and sheer anger I heard on the other side of that door was classic. Point being, you have to learn to be smarter. Any idiot can get in a fight. No lesson is really learned by it.
Why is everyone taking crap from the hippies that dont like the “Iraq conflict”?
Q: Think about it, everyone is getting pissed off at everyone else for one reason or another because they agree or disagree with the Iraq conflict. Now everyone is very pissed because we have just lost our 3,000th person. Well we’ve lost 3,000 in FIVE YEARS, and we only lost 60,000 in vietnam, and vietnam was 14 years, if this was at a constant rate, we could be in Iraq for another 95 years to lose a total of 60,000Does this bug the crap out of anyone else?How does this make you feel about both conflicts?Why are so many people still trying to empeach Bush?We had hippies/protesters then and now, whats different?Why does everyone still have problems with Bush?Are you a Left-wing or Right-wing?(to undestand your other answers)
A: this country is about free speech and freedom. let the hippies have their tirades, we all know they don’t serve in the military and will always be armchair quarterbacks. All we can do is state our opinions and facts and hope they actually THINK about what they say in the future.
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