How does a person loose weight fast

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You need to change your diet and take in less carbohydrates, drink more water, and jog at least thirty minutes a day! ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a person loose weight fast
How can a 500lb person loose weight fast? w/out surgery.?
your friend is morbidly obese, meaning he could die at any time. Any advice given on here could be wrong because even if I were a Dr. I would not advise a person I cannot see or examine. He must start at a doctor’s office with a complete ph…
What person will loose weight the fastest a bulimic person or a a…?
The person who is Bulimic will absorb some nutrients from the food they have eaten, so will probably loose weight slower than the Anorexic. . . . However . . . . BOTH methods are NOT ways to loose weight beacuse they cause harm to the body …
Does a person with anorexia loose weight?
Anorexia in general is a very unhealthy way to lose weight, for your body and mental health and it messes up your metabolism. That said: Most people with anorexia do manage to lose weight because they have a very high goal. If you have a go…

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How can a 500lb person loose weight fast? w/out surgery.?
Q: My friend is not looking for an easy way out, just doesn’t know where to start. He needs to loose weight and can’t really go to a gym right now. I’m trying to find out a routine or workout plan that he can do to drop weight and tone at the same time. As in How much cardio? punching bag? How long does he need to do cardio each day to start losing weight? How many calories each day to boost motabolism, also any help with basic weight lifting. Thanks so much we really need this so please whatever tips or comments you have are appreciated. Need to take that first step now more than ever. I fee like this could save his life. I HAVE to help.
A: your friend is morbidly obese, meaning he could die at any time. Any advice given on here could be wrong because even if I were a Dr. I would not advise a person I cannot see or examine. He must start at a doctor’s office with a complete physical exam, and do what the Dr. says to the letter. At that weight is someone bringing food to him? Is he able to get up and gt food for himself? If someone is bringing food to him they need counseling to feed him correctly and not give in to his desires for too much food.
How can a young person loose a lot of weight?
Q: I am 11 and i weigh a little over a hundred pounds and i really want to loose weight fast.How can i?
A: Here is the best way to lose weight effectively:1. Eating more will boost metabolism and lead to weight lose. Eat 6 small meals each day. Eat non-processed fresh fruit for breakfast when you wake up and then another serving of non-processed fresh fruit for your second meal a couple hours later. For lunch, eat a serving of meat, preferably white portion chicken or fish, broiled or baked, not fried or processed. Add two servings of non-processed fresh vegetables to this meal. For your next meal, eat one or two servings of non-processed fresh vegetables. Then for dinner, eat another serving of meat, preferably white portion chicken or fish, broiled or baked, not fried or processed. Add one or two servings of non-processed fresh vegetables to this meal.2. Eating the right foods will lead to weight lose. With your 6 meals, eat only low glycemic foods. Low glycemic foods have a glycemic index of 20-49. Occasionally, your meals can include foods with a glycemic index of 50-69. Avoid any foods with a glycemic index of 70-100. Avoid processed foods and eat only fresh foods. Here is a website that lists the glycemic index of various foods:…3. Drinking the right beverages will lead to weight lose. Replace sodas and sweetened beverages with water and hot herbal teas, especially green tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners. Avoid alcohol, including beer, liquor and wine.4. Improving your cardio health will lead to weight lose. Begin doing at least 30 minutes of cardio exercises 4-5 times each week. Walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, and aerobics are good cardio exercises.5. Replacing fat cells with muscle will lead to weight lose. Begin doing at least 30 minutes of weight training 3-4 times each week. Be sure to exercise each muscle group. Some resistance exercises require only your body weight and all muscle groups can be exercised with a set of dumbbells. Here is a site that illustrates various exercises that can be performed in any environment:Homepage: directory: Stretching improves muscle health. Stretch for 5-10 minutes before and after exercising. Be sure to stretch each muscle group. Here is a site for various stretches:Stretch directory: Sleep helps your body recover. Sleep at least 8-10 hours each night. Your body needs ample time to repair itself and recharge.Following these seven steps will lead to weight lose and a healthier body composition. Stay committed to your goal and you will see the changes.
How much weight would a person loose if they fast for 24 hours?
Q: This doesnt inculde drinking water. Serious answers please thank you.
A: David Lee Ryan,Potentially anywhere from 1-3 lbs, depending on the individual and their metabolism. However, be aware that most of this would be “water weight” and not fat burning. The reason for this is that your metabolism slows down and goes into “starvation mode” when you cut off your calorie intake completely.If you included exercise during the fast, you would see significantly better results.
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