How does Akavar work

Health related question in topics Earth Sciences .We found some answers as below for this question “How does Akavar work”,you can compare them.

Akavar(tm)-20/50 is a weight loss supplement that claims you can “eat all you want and still lose weight” while taking the MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does Akavar work
It is not known how (or even if) Akavar works for weight loss. Several of the ingredients in it contain caffeine, which may have some effect on suppressing the appetite or perhaps increasing metabolism.
Akavar’s sophisticated bio-active blend reduces the amount of calories your body absorbs from food. By limiting your caloric intake, your body’s systems literally burn the fat from its most accessible storage centers—your hips, thighs and b…
Akavar is a weight loss supplement which you take with meals. The label recommends you take 2 caplets with every meal. Now, Akavar is not for everyone. And the reason why it’s not for everyone is because it can cause some side effects. Side…

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does akavar work?????????
Q: okay. i just want to know the results that you got from it. Please please please do not lecture me about just going on a good diet and excercise. its too late because i already ordered it. i saw some pretty good things about though. about how the people that took akavar 3X a day lost about 3 pounds in 2 days. and they were real people. I just really want to know. thanks sooooooooo much.i really wanted to believe it worked loland yes i did get the money back thingybut i looked it up on yahoo answers and there are plenty of people that got good results…do you think its a psychosymatic thing???????? (i dont know exactly how to spell psychosymatic…)i really wanted to believe it worked loland yes i did get the money back thingybut i looked it up on yahoo answers and there are plenty of people that got good results…do you think its a psychosymatic thing???????? (i dont know exactly how to spell psychosymatic…)
A: no
does th diet pill akavar 20/50 work i just bought it?
Q: i really need to loose weight and if you take it how much did you loose and how long untill it starts too work
A: Kalin is right…… pills are a waste of money, don’t work, and some are actually bad for you. No pill, potion or supplement will help.All you need to lose weight is a good healthy diet – lots of fruit and veg, and exercise – it takes time and motivation 🙂
Akavar?!?! Please answer?
Q: Has anybody taken Akavar? Does it work? How Fast?Any other diet pills/suggestions… I need to lose wight 30 pounds. Thank you so much for any comments!
A: Check out this website…gave me some info and made me think twice about using this product.
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