How does being a drug addict affect a person’s looks

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How does being a drug addict affect a person’s looks”,you can compare them.

Your appearance changes no matter what. Alcohol= weight gain. Cocaine = weight loss.Meth=overall deterioration. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does being a drug addict affect a person’s looks
How does being a drug addict affect a person’s looks’s-looks
Your appearance changes no matter what. Alcohol= weight gain. Cocaine = weight loss.Meth=overall deterioration.

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Q: In society, we tend to view rape as physically forced sex between two people. One party has to say “no”, and the other party has to ignore it. I think a case can be made, though, for David raping Amanda. Rape is all about control, rendering a person helpless to resist. In a court of law, all the victim has to prove is that he or she felt helpless to say no, and that the perpetrator realized that he or she was causing that person to feel helpless. David has been systematically controlling every aspect of Jake and Amanda’s life, almost from the get-go. He has first-hand knowledge of how weak-minded Amanda is and, while being weak-minded isn’t always a legal defense for anything, combining that with the fact that Amanda has so much mental illness in her family (running through her veins) that David has undoubtedly used to his advantage is more than enough information to give a jury pause.David is a predator; he studies everbody, and every situation, and he digs and digs, pushes and pushes, until he finds that one weakness that will make a person crack. When he’s made enough cracks in that person’s armor, he prime to break them. I think everybody can agree that Amanda’s not all there; she’s way more like a child than a grown woman. If Amanda were related to us, we’d probably try to baby her and protect her from predators like David. We’d spend a lot of time worrying about her being hurt, and we’d look for somebody like Jake to take care of her for the rest of her life, because she hasn’t learned to take care of herself. David is guilty of raping more than Amanda, at least in my eyes; he was guilty of at least 100 counts of rape with his little experimental libidozone drug that lowered everybody’s inhibitions and caused them all to have sex with each other. Nobody really said anything about that; but if even one of those people who hit the libidozone punch bowl had been under 17 years old, it would’ve been a big thing. What if Jake had ended up having sex with Colby? Or if Colby had ended up having sex with Petey? Or if Petey had ended up having sex with Liza? See where I’m going? Krystal was his second rape. When Krystal lost Babe, David started feeding her addicting drugs in order to get her into bed. And now, Amanda. Rapists control their victims. Some do it by physically holding them down. Others do it by threatening the lives of either them or their loved ones. (Like Margaret did to Todd by threatening to kill Blair and Starr). Still others do it with drugs … and the ones like David do it by making them feel helpless and systematically cutting them off from the outside world. As stressed-out as Amanda was that day … with Jake rebuffing her advances when she wanted to forget David and just be with him, and insisting that they couldn’t put off the insemination, that she couldn’t wait until the next month to get pregnant because their lives couldn’t be on hold that long … with her rushing out without her cell phone because of the stress, and being forced to depend on David … with David “conveniently” running out of gas on a dark, deserted road … and finally, with David lying and telling her that there would be a delay … with all of that, David knew that he had Amanda where he wanted her. She’s never been mentally equiped to deal with stress in a normal way. David finally pushed her over the edge.It didn’t even occur to me, until today, how mentally affected that Amanda would be by giving in to David. She feels dirty. She blames herself. Those are all classic symptoms of somebody who has been raped.If everything that David has done can come to light, AND if a therapist who treats Amanda can bring irrefutable proof that Amanda is mentally unstable and can very easily be susceptible to suggestion and easily manipulated … I think he’d be convicted of rape. EsPECially if Janet backs David into a corner with a meat cleaver, and forces a heart-felt confession out of him by threatening to turn from from a boy into a girl!
A: Oh if only Amanda had said that one word: “NO!”….Then I believe this could officially be called rape. In Amanda’s emotionally wrecked mind, she felt she had no choice but to submit to David’s demands. He was totally and absolutely controlling her. And to me, this reaks of rape even on a higher level than date rape. At this point, I really just wish Amanda would spill her guts to Jake and ask for his help. He certainly knows how David is and will believe her. Then Jake needs to go after David with everything he’s got. (I can’t understand for the life of me why Jake is putting up with this whole arrangement in the first place!)…You hit the nail on the head about Janet backing David into a corner! Whoa! Now that might work!
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