How is omega 3 good for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How is omega 3 good for you”,you can compare them.

Studies have shown that getting enough omega-3 can significantly impact our chances of developing deadly diseases. Recent research has indicated that the intake of sufficient levels of omega-3 may reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is omega 3 good for you
What is omega 3 good for?
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids and can’t be produced by the body. It helps reduce inflammation and has been show to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and helps fight heart disease.
Is Omega 3 Good For You?—Is-Omega-3-Good-For-You?&id=2844406
Is omega 3 good for you? That question gets asked a lot. When you start doing your research, like I did, you realize that there are thousands of studies and research papers out there that answer this question. There’s proof that omega-3 fa…
Is this a good omega 3 fish oil product?
With all due respect, I don’t think it is possible to guarantee fish have been taken from pristine waters. I don’t think that exists today. I would wonder about a place that guarantees pristine fish. If you look on the ingredients for that …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How good are omega-3 fatty acids for my health?
Q: I keep hearing about omega-3 fatty acids and was wondering how good they are for me? what do they help with?
A: Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for cardiovascular health and are important parts of a person’s diet both during development (in utero as well as childhood), and even maintenance during all stages of life. They used to make up a much larger portions of humans’ diet eons ago, but our modern diet has largely replaced them with Omega-6 fatty acids, which , while are also necessary for health, are not a replacement for Omega-3s. There are many reasons why Omega-3 fatty acids are healthful to consume, from improving the body’s lipid profile (cholesterol levels and ratio) as well as proper vision and brain function, and fetal development with pregnant women. The best website for information is The Omega-3 Fatty Acids FAQ at http://www.omega3faq.comThese fatty acids can be found in fish (and fish oil supplements), as well as a number of other sources that you can incorporate into your diet. Some are safer than others, so check out the aforementioned website for more comprehensive answers.Check it out for more information, it will answer just about any question you have about Omega-3 fatty acids (and tell you about the different ones, such as DHA and EPA).
Are there any good Omega 3 supplements for kids?
Q: My child’s doctor recommened my kids take some Omega 3 supplements. The first ones I bought were Gummy Vites (my kids take their multi vitamins and they are just fine) and they taste awful! I tried them too to see if the kids were just being picky and they were extremely gross and fishy tasting. Has anyone had any luck with a liquid or chewable supplement for omega 3’s that still tastes good?
A: try these, they taste good too!
Is there a diff between good start omega 3 and 6 then with the regular good start powder?
Q: I am weaning my 6 wk old off of isomil liquid to the good start powder with omega 3 and omega 6 powder, would it make a difference if i just put him on the regular good start powder, or do i wean him into that one too.
A: I wouldn’t give him goodstart..besides it being warned by the FDA for lacking nutrients also Google:Nestle Boycottdon’t let their advertisements draw you in..
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