How long can I go without food

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “How long can I go without food”,you can compare them.

A person can go without food for 3 weeks if they are drinking fluids during that time. A person can only go 3 days without water. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can I go without food
If I was you, I would start eating again, not relationship is worth not eating. Have a little self respect and take care of your self. I you want to loose weight, do it the right way, not by starving your self, because what happens is tha…
Cats who do not take in any food for 48 hours or more are at high risk of developing a liver disease called hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver syndrome). The exact mechanism by which this disease develops is not completely understood. It probab…
i dunno…i have the same problem. stress? im not really stressed right now, but food just doesn’t sound good anymore. you’ll be fine if you force yourself to eat little things throughout the crackers and fruits. and drink a lot …

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A: I have Always said about 2 weeks!
How long is it possible for a person to go without eating food?
Q: I was watching this reality show [solitary] and people were deprived of food, more or less, and it seemed like it lapsed over a few to many days.. I just thought that wasn’t very good for their health. How long is it possible for a person to go without eating? Wouldn’t it cause serious stomach cramps to go too long without food?
A: the average person can last around 30 days with out food. however the amount of body fat that a person has ultimately determine how long that particular person could survive with out additional nutrient intake. with adequate hydration a person with 30% body fat would last substantially longer than another with 10% body fat.
How long can someone really live without food or water? How about Both? Seems like some people can go awhile?
Q: I’ve always thought someone could only go a few weeks without food, and a few days without water. But I’ve heard of people in poor countries, anorexics, and those who fast going months without food. I’m not sure how long they’ve gone without water. Also, didn’t that guy David Blaine go two months without food? Or does it depend on how much fat a person has if they don’t have food? I’m trying to figure out how those little children with large stomachs survive so long without food. Sad. Thanks.Also, I personally know someone who said they fasted 6 weeks, so I know people can go close to two months. Any longer?That was a water fast for 6 weeks no food.
A: Dr Fuhrman (MD) does not water fast people more than 50 days (7 weeks). See site below for more on fasting with quotes by 17 MDs. Jesus fasted 40 days. Some fat people have been fasted by doctors over 60 days. One fat guy was fasted 7 months and died. That means he lasted 210 days.On no water, it is about a week. No water with food makes no sense since it depends on the food. A dry food like bread will cause you to die of dehydration sooner like 2 or 3 days. A food like watermelon which is loaded with water will not dehydrate you and you can live on it with no water (it is 96% water) for over 6 months.
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