How many calories are in my mom

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Your mom had such a big appetite today. She ate lots of chocolate, ice cream and spaghetti. She consumed over 3000 calories. Lucky for her, she is a great athlete and burned them off immediately after. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in my mom
Why does my mom burn more calories then me when we work out??
Age plays an important role in burning calories (no offense to your mom). Since you are at a younger age, you naturally burn calories regularly due to your metabolism just while resting. So when you work out, you have to work harder than sh…
How Does a Busy Mom Count Calories?
Now, I have a confession to make. I really hate to count calories! I remember doing this religiously when I was in late high school and even college, it took up a lot of my time and it always felt somewhat obsessive and restricting. However…
How much calories does my moms vegetable stock have??
Not very many calories. A cup of cooked cauliflower has 28 calories. A cup of carrots would have 52 calories. Chayote is 22 calories a cup. A tablespoon of sugar is 45 calories. If you’re only drinking the broth from it, I doubt you’d be ge…

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A: This site does give you the option of putting in jogging with a stroller.
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A: I read that if you walk 4 miles per hour, then you will burn about 200 calories in one hour of walking. You sound like you are doing an awesome job, the weight should start coming off pretty quickly.
How many calories in one mini cupcake?
Q: Ok, so I just ate one small mini cupcake with chocolate frosting, and I was wondering how many calories are in it. Its pretty small, my mom made them yesterday because my brother just graduated HS. I am obsessed with my weight and I want to know. Thanks.
A: screw it, hon. just eat the cupcake.
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