How many calories are in raisins

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are in raisins”,you can compare them.

There are 495 calories in 1 cup of packed Raisins, there is 19.8 grams of sodium and 5.3 grams of protein! ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in raisins
How many calories do raisins have?
A 1.5 ounce box of raisins contains 129 calories.
Do the raisins in raisin bran add more calories and sugar to it??
Raisins are naturally high in sugar and the ones included in cereals are usually rolled and coated with sugar in addition. While the raisin still technique are a fruit they do make the cereal much higher in sugar, however the amount of suga…
Are raisins good for you?
If wondering are raisins good for you, the answer is somewhat mixed. Raisins are high in sugars, which can be a drawback. One ounce or roughly 60 raisins contain 84 calories, most of which come from sugars. On the good side, they are very l…

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Q: I have been eating these heavily coverd chocoalte raisins and I have no idea how much calories im consuming, im on a diet. Its not like those little brand name ones.
A: I don’t know but not enough in my opinion to stop eating them!!! lol
how many calories should i eat for lunch every day to lose about 5 more pounds?
Q: this is what i would normally pack in my lunch for school:- a turkey and swiss sandwich on a wheat bun- idk how many calories- serving size of raisins- 130 calories- a serving size of teddy grams- 130 calories- a few south beach diet almonds- 100 caloriesi hardly ever eat all of that though! i’ve already lost about 4 pounds andi’m looking to lose about 5 more. How many calories should i be eating? any tips?
A: Your body burns a certain amount of calories each day whether you exercise or not. We each have what is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This rate gradually decreases with age. To the BMR you add the total calories used during the day due to all exercise and activity, which gives you your Active Metabolic Rate. I am 6′, 170 lbs and 52 years old. My basal metabolic rate is about 1700 calories burned per day. To that number I can add whatever calories I burn during the day due to activity and exercise. That will tell me approximately how many total calories I will burn up in a day. Once you know this number you can eat however many calories you choose in order to lose, gain or maintain your weight. You burn about 3500 more calories than you consume to lose a pound. I have a page posted at my website that explains this further. You can also input your own info to see your own numbers as far as calories used in a day. Good health and good luck!
Estimate : How many calories in 10 raisins?
A: According to this site 50 raisins is 78 calories. Divide that by 5, gives you 15.6 calories for every ten raisins. There is also 4.2g of carbs, 39 mg of Potassium, and less than 1 g of fiber
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