How many calories are in two cups of fried rice

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There are approximately 18.7 calories in typical Chinese Pork Fried Rice. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in two cups of fried rice
How many calories in 1 cup of pork fried rice??
As one person said, it depends on exactly what you put in it. I would be leary about and answer that said exactly, but it was close to some of the recipes I have. I would say approximately 325 calories.

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how much calories did i consume yesterday?
Q: im asian so we eat white rice.breakfast: 4 waffles (one waffle is 100 calories) i added butter on it and syrup.lunch: a plate of white rice and 2-3 pieces of chicken. (the chicken was like the size of a drumstick or a chicken thigh but i did not eat fried chicken.)desert after lunch: 3 scoops of chocalte fudge ice cream. (it said that 1/2 cup is 150 calories)snack: two slices of cinnamon bread with butter ( one slice is 120 calories)snack: 3 slices of regular white bread (each slice is 60 calories)dinner: plate of white rice and i think about 3-4 inch long steak that is about 3-4 inch wide.the steak is more about 2 inches wide
A: Let’s assume normal sized portions here.. if you put butter and syrup on the waffles, you probably put about a tablespoon of butter on, for about 100 calories, and 2 tablespoons of syrup for about another 200 calories, your breakfast alone was 600 calories. For lunch, assuming that you had about a cup of white rice (usual lunch sized portion at an asian restaurant), you had about 200 calories. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I couldn’t find details on dark meat, but a single portion of white meat about that size is about 150 calories, giving you 350 calories for lunch..Dessert… oh boy. One small scoop is about a half a cup, so assuming you didn’t load the scoop, you still consumed 450 calories. Between your two snacks, you had 480 more calories.For dinner, you probably consumed 200 calories in rice and assuming the steak was a single serving of roasted, lean beef, there’s another 150 calories. So, assuming that you made all the right choices in food preparation, (steaming and broiling instead of using fat to prepare, and choosing lean cuts), it appears you consumed roughly 2230 calories. Unless you’re large, heavy, or very active, you are bound to gain weight if you eat like this every day. Also, where are your vegetables? You need 4-6 servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Cut the ice cream back to a single portion, and switch out some of your afternoon grains (bread and cinnamon toast) for some fruits or veggies.
how does this weight gainers workout diet sound?
Q: So i’m trying to add muscle. I stopped working out for awhile and now i’ll be continuing. I currently weigh 145lbs with 9% body fat. My goal is to weigh in close to 170 or 175 before summer. So I have a good 20-25lbs to add on.Meal One – Breakfast3-6 Eggs w/ melted cheese ontop1 1/2 cups of rice1-2 fruits(Something else I can’t think of)Meal Two – Morning SnackFruit of some sort. Apple or banana.Meal Three – LunchCan of beans and maybe a salad. Something to get some greens in.Meal Four – Afternoon SnackMore fruits. Maybe a protein bar.Meal Five – Dinner (After workout once i’m home)Piece of chicken breast1-2 cups of riceAs well as what I usually have, spaghetti, vegetable fried rice, that’s really all I can think of.1 whey protein powder milkshake with added fruits.Meal within 30 minutes after workoutProtein BarWhat do you guys think of this diet?What foods would you add on to this diet?Btw. I won’t eat tuna, I cannot stand sea food so don’t add it as a suggestion please.I calculated that to start off i’ll be needing an intake of 3000 calories. 25% of which will be protein. I’ll maybe need 200-300g of protein, I think?Please note that I want to try and keep meals cheap. I’m not made of money.Ty Saket. I’ve always had very low body fat as a kid. Even with all those years of eating junk food. It wasn’t until I started working out that I actually gained weight. I was about 17 and weighed close to 100lbs. I volunteered for a body fat test in my health class at that age. It came out to 10%
A: Excellent, that is great. 9 percent body, on the way to an athelete, try to replace cheese with low fat. Also, change rice into brown rice. Nice diet! Excellent!Proudread more comment!
how few calories before the body goes into “starvation” mode?
Q: Back when I was 260 I lost 50lbs by eating 1400 cals per day even. I also rode an exercise bike 30 min per day 7 days per week and lost 1lb every 3 days on a dime till it stopped working when I was around 200. Now I am trying a similar approach but with a variety of exercise so that I don’t plateau again (at the end of the last plan the bike didn’t tire me out at all and increasing the force hurt my knee’s) I have found that certain foods are very filling and can be eaten in mass without gaining calories but in fact burning more by digestion, such as home made Chinese food. The oil-less stir fry in the non stick pan + two egg rolls, sauce and half cup of brown rice ran me only 555 cals. added to my 475 calorie brunch this has left me with a grand total today of only 1030. I’m stuffed but is that too low?
A: Generally speaking, anything below 1300 is too low because you run the risk of not getting all the nutrients you need. I wouldn’t call it “starvation” mode, but “malnutrition” mode. Just be sure to take your vitamins and keep track of the carbs, fats, and proteins. Anyhow, raw veggies have a negative calorie value. Good luck with your knees… Be nice to them.
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