How many calories does michael phelps burn a day

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Since he’s not gaining weight on his 12,000 calorie/day diet, he likely burns about 12,000 calories a day. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does michael phelps burn a day
Why can Michael-Phelps eat 2,100 calories/day?
He swims 30 hours a week. That is an enormous amount of working out.
How can I eat 10000 calories a day and look like Michael Phelps??
Well if you exercise for 6-8 hours a day you can eat pretty much anything without putting on weight.
Do you believe that michael phelps eats 12,000 calories per day??
I have no trouble believing that at all. When I was a competitive bike racer I was eating over 10,000 kcal/day yet I was still under 5% body fat. I wasn’t near olympic calibre, just competitive at the local level.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How is Michael Phelps able to eat 12000 calories a day?
Q: Why doesn’t he gain fat? And how is it possible to burn enough calories to be eating that many calories? calories in>calories out?
A: Muscle burns way more calories than fat – of which this fellow clearly has none. His job is to work out, so his metabolism is revved just about as high as it can go, therefore he can burn thousands of calories a day even while inactive.
Burning 2500 calories per day and returning to normal?
Q: Michale Phelps burns 2500 calories per day. My question is what is done to regulate the burning of such quantity into normal day activity; for example, as we (abruptly or steadily) stop after having been swimming every day for hours? How much is modern medicine involved into this? Will Michael Phelps live as long as he might have had, or will he die of some organ failure or arterial burst, etc.?Many waterpolo players become fat after having stopped? I am asking about metabolism.
A: no, he has to eat a lot more than an average person to stop him losing weight or becoming exausted
What are some siple exercises that burn 12,000 calories?
Q: Michael Phelps eats and burns 12,000 calories a day. ( )What are some simple, after-work exercises I can do to burn 12,000 calories a day? I work behind a desk but I want to eat 2 lbs of pasta and a large pizza every day.
A: Let me make this simple. Micheal Phelps is an olympic level swimmer and a really good one. He get’s that way from all the training. With his schedule it’s not surprising he uses 12,000 calories a day.You, me and just about everyone else wouldn’t burn nearly that amount of calories a day. I’m a 260lb powerlifter and I train hard. I eat about 5,000 calories a day and I gain a good bit of muscle mass from that.Eating 12,000 calories a day would be about 6 times what the average woman eats a day. To give you an idea of what it takes to burn 12,000 calories. If you weigh 160lbs and cycle at 16-19 mph then it would take a little over 13 hours to burn that many calories.
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