How many calories should you eat a day

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories should you eat a day”,you can compare them.

To determine your approximate caloric needs, you need to know your basal metabolic rate. To do this, multiply your weight by 10. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories should you eat a day
Healthy Daily Calorie Amounts Calorie needs are based on body size, weight, muscle/fat ratio, age, rate of metabolism, activity level, and height. So, it varies from person to person. For example, if a female is 5 feet tall, weighs 140 poun…
315 pounds? Is that a type-o? From your picture, you don’t look like 315 pounds. Well regardless, you want to stay around 1200 calories a day. If you go below that, you risk slowing your metabolism, which will cause more weight gain. You …
When you know how many calories your body needs for basic functions like breathing and cell repair (your resting metabolic rate, or RMR), you can more accurately determine how many calories you should consume each day to properly maintain y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories should I eat a day to maintain my weight? I am 5’3, 22 years old, and weigh 115-120 pounds.
Q: In the past 2 1/2 years, I’ve lost 60-70 pounds. I am now trying to maintain my current weight, which fluctates from 115-120. I lost so much weight by counting calories and running. I’ve stopped working out because I just kept losing weight and people were starting to say that I was getting too skinny. People still say that I am too skinny but I’ve read that I am actually average for my height and age. I am still very conscious of the calories I eat and I am afraid if eat too many calories a day that I will gain the weight back. How many calories should I be eating a day? Can I eat the average 2,000 a day without exercising and still stay the same weight?
A: 1,657 if you live a sedentary life – 1,989 if you are moderately active.Go here: and click the button that says “Launch Caloric Needs Calculator”. I would recommend continuing exercise, even if you back up on the intensity. Continue exercise and increase your caloric intake to maintain. Be sure the net amount in and out equal your daily need. This should help maintain. Also, the fluctuation could be due to water retention. Best of luck and congrats on losing the weight!
How many calories should a 13 year old eat a day?
Q: This isn’t for me, this is for my friend. She’s only eating 900 calories a day, and I’m worried about her because she only consumes that 900 calories and only eats 2 meals a day.So 2 questions:1. How many calories should a 13 year old eat a day?2. Why is it important to eat 3 meals a day?
A: im not sure but 1200 is minimum, well its important to eat three meals a day is to stay healthy and make sure you body is getting all the nutrients it needs to operate, important she should be eating breakfast,lunch,dinner , breakfast being the most important
How many calories should i burn in comparison to the calories i eat per day?
Q: I’m 14 and 115, and I just want to get rid of any belly fat for spring break. If I do pretty light activity each day (and the calorie calculator said to eat 1795 calories a day) then how much should I burn?I thought I heard in health class that you are supposed to burn 3,500 calories more than you eat buttttt that sounds ridicalous…ohhhh sorry i meant 115 pounds
A: 1795 is what u should eat to maintain your weight. If u want to burn off calories, eat 1300 calories a day, and burn off 250 more, that is a total defecit of 745 calories, if u do this, you will lose a pound every 5 days
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