How many hairs do I eat a day

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many hairs do I eat a day”,you can compare them.

There’s really no answer to that, but about 50 to 100 hairs fall out each day. Cha Cha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many hairs do I eat a day
Are these good foods to eat every day for healthy hair??
that all sounds pretty good but make sure you keep properly taking care of your hair….
Will you lose your hair if you eat once a day??
Yes, lack of protein in your diet can cause hair loss. Protein is essential for hair production. Hair is the result of dead protein cells.
Why does my 60 day old daschund eat coal, mud, hair etc??
of course it is. it’s not natural or normal for a dog, especially a very small puppy to eat things like that! the puppy should still be nursing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have noticed hair loss. How many brazil nuts is it OK to eat per day? Too much selenium causes hair loss.?
Q: Selenium deficiency also causes hair loss, so what’s the right amount? Plus I am female, 45 and still breastfeeding my 19 month old once a day. So is is post-pregnancy hormones, or even pre-menopausal?
A: You are probably just losing hair because of the fall in hormones following your pregnancy & the fact that you are still breastfeeding means your hormones are not properly back to normal. Probably not premenopausal unless early menopause runs in the family.
Probably a weird question but how many brazil nuts should you eat a day?
Q: I don’t have acne…….but I do really want my hair to get my hair healthier again (it has been a bit abused lately!) and I know brazil nuts are supposed to be good for your hairI heard they are really good for your skin and hair. I used to eat them but then went off them. I want to eat them daily again cause I know eating some daily is really good for you, so how many? a small handful?
A: For the antioxidant micromineral selenium, you need one or two Brazil nuts a day. Aren’t you glad it’s not a brazillion !
How much protein should I eat per day to have healthy hair and nails?
A: Beans, nuts, and whole grains. . Fish and poultry are the best choices for meat eaters; if you are partial to red meat steer yourself toward the leanest cuts. Soybeans, tofu, and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. If you like dairy products, skim or low-fat versions are healthier choices. 8 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight. Cereal with milk for breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and a piece of fish with a side of beans for dinner adds up to about 70 grams of protein, plenty for the average adult.
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