How many mg of caffine does a cup of coffee have

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A 7 ounce cup of coffee has 160 mg of caffeine in it. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many mg of caffine does a cup of coffee have
How many mg. of caffeine is in a cup of coffee?
A 6 oz. cup of regular coffee contains anywhere from 72-110 mg. of caffeine. This all depends on the amount of water used to brew the coffee, the grind of the coffee, and how long the coffee was brewed for.
How much caffeine (mg/ml) does a cup of ordinary coffee contain??
One cup of coffee usually contains about 100mg of caffeine. A tea bag actually has a higher concentration of caffeine but becuase the tea bag is usually not that big it actually contains less caffeine when it is in a drink. Instant coffee w…
How many mgs caffeine per cup of coffee?
I’ve calculated it all out in the past and tried it. Personally, I didn’t feel the same effect from Coffee, Tea, or Sugar Free Energy drink as I did from taking an equivalent amount of Vivran (caffeine tablet). The tab seems to hit harder w…

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Q: i never drink coffee but wen i waz 2 months pregnant i had 2 cups of coffee since then i never drink back coffee will it harm my baby? am 4 months now an my doctor said 300 mg caffine a day is good but i dont no if i drank more than 300 mg that day can some one tell me please am very scred
A: About 2 or 3 cups of coffee. You shouldn’t even drink that much caffeine in one day, I wouldn’t. My average caffeine intake is about 100mg a day. I read a story online about someone who had 500mg and had to go to the hospital, so I wouldn’t recommend that much caffeine.
How Many Cups Coffee is equaled to?
Q: 5000 Mg of Guarana or 5000 Mg of Caffine?i recently was looking at a Monster Energy Drink on my counter and read that there was 5000 Mg of Guarana and Caffine in it then i started to wonder how many cups of coffee i would have to drink to equal the same amount of that Drink (:
A: 43 cups i think, if i remember right a cup of coffee has about 115 mg of caffeine, so yeah, around 43 cups
How much caffine is there in Coffee?
Q: In a plain average size cup of white-coffee how much caffine is there in MG in there ?& I’ve just realized I’ve spelt Caffeine wrong xD
A: slot=)o epuld tell u but uno that I cant count!
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