How many negative calories are in a piece of celery

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How many negative calories are in a piece of celery”,you can compare them.

Celery has about 6 calories per 8-inch stalk. Thanks for texting! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many negative calories are in a piece of celery
Does celery have negative calories?
There is a list of foods that are claimed to have negative calories and celery is indeed on that list of negative calorie foods. A negative calorie food is a food that requires more energy to digest than that which is in the food causing a …
Is celery a negative calorie food ?
Yes it is. Scroll down for a list of the fruits and vegetables that are “negative calories”…
Is it true that celery has negative calories?
False. The thermic effect of food does cause your body to burn up calories as it processes meals, snacks, and beverages. But this process accounts for anywhere from 0 to 30% of the calories you eat (protein, for example, takes more calories…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Celery has negative calories right, so if I…..?
Q: so if I ate say like 100 pieces of celery on top of my regular 1,500 calorie diet everyday for a month, you’re telling me I woulnd’t gain 1 single pound from eating the extra calories in the celery?
A: There is no such thing as NEGATIVE calories lolz.Just ‘no’ calories.
Celery is a negative calorie food?
Q: So I know that Celery is a negative calorie food, it takes more calories to digest it than you get by eating it. But exactly how many calories do you lose by eating celery, lets say a 4 inch piece? And what if you had it with a little bit of dip?
A: Celery is about 8 calories per stalk. Dip would more than cancel out any digestive savings. If you include celery in every meal, you might save about ten calories a day. It would take over a year to get rid of one pound of fat.
what do you think about this?
Q: Morning: Breakfast: 7am:bowl of life quaker cereal..120 calories..+half a cup of 50more calories+a apple=50calories maybe more?later on about 8-9ish..i guess..i was hungry so i ate a hard boilded egg=70 caloriesi went and walked fast/jogged for 40minsi got hungry a lil while after so snacked on a piece of celery and peanut butter..peanut butter=100 calories..celery negative cals?For Lunch:6meat balls..uhm..thatw as the serving BBQ sauce on tehm.=160caloriesplus peas..=130calories..i had a second serving.. =/670calories total today.+i ate another apple this afternoon coz i got hungry,720 calories total(:And i just ate a HOW MANY CALORIES IS THAT???Plus, i jumped rope about 200 times. or 5’3 and 139lbs.
A: No, celery does not have negative calories. No food does. The closest thing you can get to negative calories is water, which has 0 calories.I calculated the food you ate today, and it’s about 800-900 calories. Your estimates aren’t that accurate. A hard boiled egg is 90 calories, an apple is about 55, a banana is 105, But your exercise probably burns 300-500 calories.Good job today! However, under 1000 calories isn’t that healthy…but it depends on whether you’ve eaten dinner today, because 6 meat balls can’t be dinner!Nice job exercising! I’m happy you have the stamina and mind to jump rope 200 times and jog for 40 minutes.Keep going!
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