How unhealthy is Red Bull energy drink

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “How unhealthy is Red Bull energy drink”,you can compare them.

Excessive consumption of Red Bull has been linked to interrupted sleep, headache, anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How unhealthy is Red Bull energy drink
What is red bull energy drink
Red Bull Energy Drink is a functional beverage, specially developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion.
What are the effects of Red Bull energy drink?
Red Bull Energy Drink supposedly “gives you wings.” But what this drink really does is give you a good chance of getting high blood pressure, heart disease, and high blood pressure. First answer is absolutely correct. But add diab…
Whenever you need to boost your energy or concentration! To best feel its effects, you should drink it at times of increased mental and physical strain, for example, on long sleep-inducing motorways, during intensive working days, prior to …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the medical reasons that some people believe Red Bull and other energy drinks are unhealthy?
Q: well at least I’m glad I always choose sugar-free, but the caffeine content leads me to another question….
A: The sugar and caffeine are the ingredients in most energy drinks which can be bad for you.If you are concerned about your health, you may want to consider an alternative energy drink.I drink one that doesn’t contain all of the sugar and caffeine, works quickly after I drink it, lasts for several hours, and is much less expensive than most energy drink,I found it at
Are energy drinks (EX: Red Bull, Monster, etc.) unhealthy for you? What makes them unhealthy?
A: Many of these increasingly popular drinks contain significant amounts of caffeine, which can make you jittery and cause insomnia, as well as loads of sugar.Caffeine can increase anxiety, panic, some stomach problems, and some cardiac arrhythmias.In the long run, if you keep drinking 2 of those a day you will shorten your life by a few years.
Red Bull energy drink?
Q: How effective is it?How healthy/unhealthy is it?Thanks
A: not goodespecially people who drink a few a day or use it as a mixer. It contains concerntrated amounts of caffine and taurine. Taurine is an aminio acid that affects the adrenal glands.Aminio acids are essetial to growth but should be consumed together If an aminio acid is singled out and concerntrated they can cause the body harmRed Bull is actually illegal in a few european countriesI did see on the news some years ago that red bull and vodka were the believed cause of a clubbers death
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