If Every one calls me fat what do i do

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You may want to find new friends or try a healthy weight loss program. Good luck and keep doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-every-one-calls-me-fat-what-do-i-do ]
More Answers to “If Every one calls me fat what do i do
Why does everyone call me fat
I am not sure why everyone calls you fat, but they don’t sound like nice people. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself. ChaCha on!
Why does everyone think girls that play call of duty: WaW on xbox…?
Because it’s the best insult most idiots on Live can come up with. Most of the people saying this are the fat, insecure ones. It doesn’t matter if you’re fat or skinny. Just play the game and have fun killing them.

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Q: I ask because I’m very easily influenced. If one person every calls me fat, I’ll try dieting. Right now, I’m 13 and trying to drop weight because I was called fat. 5’8″ and about 125 lbs. What do you think? Should I try to lose weight?Ok ty, by the way I am very active. I play tons of tennis, dance three times a week, walk a mile every day and ride horses and swim. I’m not lazy at all.
A: no not at all!!! you are the right size – believe me, if u start trying to loose a bunch of weight and stuff, its get really annoying and you always count calories and stuff (thats what happened to me). but i’m kinda around where u are – seems good to me=)
How do I end this ‘friendship’?
Q: Over the 2009 summer, I was forced to move to Virginia. Now I’m spending my senior year in a school I’m not familiar with, with people who don’t understand that I like being alone. For example, at. My old school, people understood that I liked to chat and joke in class, but outside of it, I preferto be alone. These people do NOT comprehend this, and there’s no place to go on campus to giveme my seperation time (I am VERY introverted). I could stand all this if it weren’t for this one girl. From day one, she wouldn’t stop bugging me. She thinks of me as her best friend, though I want her to leave me alone. I thought she would get the hint when I constantly told her how busy I was, but she won’t give up. I get really embarrassed when it comes to confrontation, so sometimes I just give in. It’s now February and I STILL can’t stand her. How do I get her to leave me alone? Here’s what bothers me the most:She seems really popular, but she only hangs with meShe’s a beauty pageant queen, so she’s obsessed with being skinny. There’s not one day she won’t say “ugh, I’m so fat. Anything over a size 5 is fat.” Note: i’m a size 12. She knows this and saysit anyways.She gets angry when anyone calls her on her cheating on her once fiancé and boyfriendsI’m pretty sure she only talks to me bc I’m a light skinned black girl (she says things that raise brows and give that Impression. Also will always take a chance to touch my hair. This only happens to me with black girls).She’s so NEEDY. It gets to the point where she’ll ask me a question just so she can turn the conversation to her. I have had to engage in hour long talks about all her good points. And she does that obnoxious, not to mention childish, thing where she says “oh, I’m so bad/ugly/stupid” so everyone will jump in and say otherwise.She keeps asking about my grades when I say I don’t feel comfy telling. Shoves hers in my face anywayslaughs at her own jokes She also wears shirts that allow wardrobe malefunctions and keeps getting more intricate tramp stamps.Maybe i’m judgemental, but she’s an attention who re. She needs me to constantly feed her ego. Ihave to sit next to her for two hours every other day (damn Virginia schooling), so I want to get away from her without awkwardness. Is it possible?  
A: Are you worried about her feelings? Because she doesn’t seem worried about yours. I don’t think there’s a nice way of putting ‘You’re an attention whore and you get on my nerves, please go away.’
I think I’m Fat… and know im wasting characters cus they said my title was too short…?
Q: wellll….i think im fat and my sister calls me fat every fuckin daaayi really hate it and i really try to eat less and stuffmy friends say im skinny..all but one who says my legs are skinny but im pretty sure thinks my stomach is fat..and thats what i think so thats just proving my pointam i ramblin now?>anyway… im 12 and like around 100 lbs. or something maybe i gained weight from teh last time i weighed myselfim also aorund 5’4 but maybe i’ve grown or like… measured myself wrong…most of the time i skip breakfast cus i have no time in the morning and maybe thats why im fat cus ive been reading some of the other peoples answers on otehr questions and they say that skipping breakfast is bad and might even make me gain weight…sorry this is so long i knoe no one wants to read such a long boring question but im just real confusednot bout teh fat thing really cus i know im fat i dont want you guys to say im fat or skinny but the breakfast thing i wanna know more…i dont know…sorry…if you dont wanna, dont waste your time on this cus its really long and uuuh it wont really make a difference to youbut if you want to please do cus it might make a difference to me=3thankss
A: nope your not fat!now relax, you’re too young
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