Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable

Health related question in topics Food Drink Animals Plants Green Living .We found some answers as below for this question “Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable”,you can compare them.

A cucumber is a fruit. It belongs to the same family as watermelon, zucchini, pumpkin, and other types of squash. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable
: fruit Explanation : Cucumbers are scientifically classified as fruits. Much like tomatoes and squash, however, their sour-bitter flavor contributes to cucumbers being perceived, prepared and eaten as vegetables ,
It’s actually a fruit, technically. “Having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, cucumbers are scientifically classified as a fruit. Much like tomatoes and squash, however, their sour-bitter flavor contributes to cucumbers be…
It is technically a fruit. From a botanical perspective, a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant, such as an apple, melon, cucumber, or tomato. From the common, every day “grocery store perspective,” we tend to use the word fruit w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is a cucumber a fruit or vegetable?
A: It is a fruit because it contains the seeds to reproduce.
Is a cucumber a fruit or a vegetable or both?
Q: I have read and heard many opinions on this matter and would be grateful if someone could resolve it for me
A: A cucumber is a fruit. I know it’s hard for some people to accept that, but there is a clear definition of what is fruit and what is vegetable.A vegetable is part of a plant, such as stems, leaves, shoots, roots, etc. A fruit is what appears after flowering, and has seeds in it. A lot of fruit we eat have large amounts of sugar, which is why we’re used to treating them as dessert (bananas, oranges, etc.) But cucumbers, along with tomatoes, are fruit that don’t have much sugars, and go nicely along with savoury dishes.
pickle and cucumber- are they fruit or vegetable?
Q: i no that a cucumber is a premature pickle, but when i look for answers on weather which is which people say that the pickle is a veggie and a cucumber is a fruit.
A: here ya go!!!! cucumber and a pickle are both the same. a pickle is a cucumber that has been pickled!
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