Is chewing plastic bad

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition Green Living .We found some answers as below for this question “Is chewing plastic bad”,you can compare them.

One major danger from eating plastic is the perforation of your intestines from the undigested plastic. The rough edges could kill [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is chewing plastic bad
Is Chewing plastic bad for you?
Well, as interesting as it would be to know the answer to this, doesn’t it just make more sense to stop doing it? The bottom line is that plastics are not intended as foods, and therefore do not require warning labels for consumption. They…
Is it bad to chew plastic?
Yes, it is filled with poisons to the human body. Chew gum or something else. If you don’t stop in the years to come you could be a very sick person.
Are chewing on plastic drink straws bad for your teeth??
No your teeth are strong enough to handle that. If you think about it, it’s not much different from chewing gum.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Chewing plastic bad for you?
Q: I dont know why but i have an unusual habit of chewing pen tops, etc, but i swallow them too i must have chewed and swallowed over 50 pens in the last 4 month just the plastic nothing else someone saw me chewing a pen and swallowing it and they told me you can die from it id like to know if u can digest it. etc.
A: Well, as interesting as it would be to know the answer to this, doesn’t it just make more sense to stop doing it? The bottom line is that plastics are not intended as foods, and therefore do not require warning labels for consumption. They are also not considered toxic in the sense that their effects are considered only for external exposure.One example, is that there is some type of plastic than when combined with chloroform or phenol actually forms mustard gas. In other words, it isn’t good to be eating something that is a big unknown like that. I’m not sure there is any concrete evidence that you can die from it, and I’m not sure you necessarily increase your risk of cancer either, but doesn’t it make sense that there certainly could be some kind of danger there?
is chewing on plastic bad for your teeth?
A: what do you think gum is?
Is it bad to chew plastic?
Q: I have this weird habit of chewing the little circular things on the top of a plastic water bottle. Sometimes I also chew the cap.Is this bad? Will I get some sort of cancer from this?I have tried to quit but it is hard! I am going to stop anyways but could I have gotten some bad disease from this?? Please I am scared!
A: If it’s a habit, yes, it is bad.And, doing so that often, means you’re swallowing all the chemicals plastics have to become such. Mostly a chemical named “Bisphenol A” which causes great danger and harm to the human body, specially breast and prostate cancer, obesity, diabetes, hypertension (blood pressure), and deformities to the womb and to the reproductive system.So, quit that, and start chewing some gum.
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