Is coffee bad for you to drink

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is coffee bad for you to drink”,you can compare them.

While drinking too much coffee interferes with your body’s ability to keep cholesterol levels in check, it can also increase MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is coffee bad for you to drink
Is it bad to drink coffee when pregnant?
Normally you have to cut down or even cut out caffeine while pregnant. Your doctor is the best judge of this. Coffee has more caffeine per serving than any other drinks. Yes, that even means more than energy drinks. Be aware that decaffeina…
Is it bad for me to drink coffee?
how much caffeine is in the coffee you are drinking? caffeine does make your body speed up, but if your heart is skipping chances are that you have too much caffeine. if you’re drinking your coffee with extra shots of espresso or something…
What about soda, fruit drinks, and coffee? Are they really so bad…?
However, according to Elizabeth Cohen of CNN news, several experts with whom she consulted said that when they look at several studies, people get just as hydrated from caffeinated beverages as they do from decaffeinated beverages. Obviou…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to drink coffee when you have hypothyroidism?
Q: I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and I love to drink coffee. Is it bad to drink coffee? And what will happen if I do?
A: i driink coffee everydayy and i also have hypothyroidism.i dont think it effects me any young so we’ve decided not to do anything about this right now. but i do have to sayy im pretty skinny. sometimes i sleep for 16 hours and wake up super def. effects my liife in different ways. but not when i driink coffee !!
Is it bad to drink coffee before you go to sleep?
Q: Is it bad to drink coffee before you go to sleep because it’s hard for your body to get into the “sleep” mode? But I have to stay up late doing my homework. are there any alternatives? Ones that are much healthier?
A: If you’re not having any trouble falling asleep, then caffeine at night is not bad for YOU. As a rule, people are told not to drink caffeine 2-3 hours before trying to sleep, but if it’s no problem for you, it’s no problem for you! Every body is different. Everyone should learn to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.If it ever becomes a problem, water is the best drink, but there are really good decaf coffees and teas. Don’t forget that soda pop is loaded with caffeine (except 7-up and sprite) and sugar! Even the the sugar-free are full of crap. Try to stay away from soda pop completely.Bless you and good luck! 🙂
is it bad to drink coffee during your period?
Q: I am a regular coffee drinker, i drink coffee during my period. is it bad? i don’t feel pain or anything, just maybe once or twice, my stomach felt slightly strange, should i stop? is it harmful? would it affect future pregnancy? thanks.
A: Drink moderate amounts of coffee in general.
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