Is coke heroine

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is coke heroine”,you can compare them.

No. Coke and Heroine are two different drugs and have different side affects, yet both are very dangerous to try because they are addictive. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is coke heroine
Would it be a good idea to try heroine coke, and meth all at the …?
Mixing uppers and downers is never a good idea. And mixing two uppers together is a horrible idea as well. Just the coke and meth together would make your heart explode in your chest. Mixing either coke or meth with heroin is called a speed…
What if i inject some heroine and snort some coke right now??
What if you weren’t retarded and obnoxious right now, guess that won’t happen.
Why Is Coke Glamorous and Heroin Scary?
Sixx, the ’80s hair rocking bassist for Motley Crue, offers to the public the memoirs of his drug-addled stardom — if only he could admit he had fun. More…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

would it be a good idea to try heroine coke, and meth all at the same time?
Q: I just really need to get HIGH this time One just isn’t enough anymore – I realize it’s probably somewhat unhealthy but would it be fun?
A: Mixing uppers and downers is never a good idea. And mixing two uppers together is a horrible idea as well. Just the coke and meth together would make your heart explode in your chest.Mixing either coke or meth with heroin is called a speedball. It might feel great, but it’s a very deadly combination. What you’re risking is when you come down from the stimulants (which are much shorter acting than the opiate), your heart rate lowers itself to dangerous levels.Drop the meth and heroin, and if you really have to get high do the coke. Keep it in control, as long as you have control over your habit, you should be in the clear. But as soon as you let the drugs start controlling you, it might be a good time to take a step back and reevaluate things.
Did Obama do marijuana coke or heroine and was he an addict?
A: Probably all of the above; but he didn’t inhale.
what if i inject some heroine and snort some coke right now?
Q: ????just wandering. cause i just might.
A: What if you weren’t retarded and obnoxious right now, guess that won’t happen.
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