Is cranberry juice good for you

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is cranberry juice good for you”,you can compare them.

There is some scientific evidence that cranberries can help prevent urinary tract infections. It is also high in Vitamin C. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is cranberry juice good for you
Yes, cranberry juice is good for you. It is an effective fighter against urinary uract infections and heart disease. However, to reap the health benefits, the juice should be 100% juice with no preservatives, artificial flavors, or artifici…
Yes it is. It helps to fight any existing infection in the urinary tract…and preventing any from beginning. You can’t go wrong including it in your daily diet.
Cranberry juice is said to be good for you for several reasons, the best of which is that it tastes nice! It can be rather bitter; so it is wise to ensure that your brand is not full of sugar or your dentist will not be too impressed with y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is cranberry juice so good for you?
Q: I drink cranberry juice everyday because they say it’s good for you, but why and how.
A: Cuz its rich in antioxidents which are great for your blood and kidneys.If you’ve been drinking it everyday, your blood is probably pure and your kidneys and in perfect shape
Why is cranberry juice good for kidneys?
Q: I have heard many times that Cranberry juice is good for kidneys but why and how? Just out of curiosity.
A: You’ve heard wrong.It is useful for the prevention/treatment of mild bladder infections by acting to acidify the urine, and make it harder for bacteria to adhere to the lining of the bladder wall. And we are talking about the unsweetened stuff…not the sugary cranberry cocktail product. It doesn’t “flush out the kidneys” as another answer states. Since it has this minor effect on the bladder, a lot of people generalize that it is good for the kidneys as well, but there is no evidence to suggest that.It is touted to have some antioxidant properties, for what that’s worth. The clinical benefit of “anti-oxidants” has never actually been demonstrated however, so don’t get too excited about that
Is Cranberry Juice good for you?
Q: I’m on this cranberry juice kick, and wondered if it is good for me, and if so why?No there isn’t vodka in it!
A: Yes it is.It helps to fight any existing infection in the urinary tract…and preventing any from beginning.You can’t go wrong including it in your daily diet.
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