Is gum bad for you

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Chewing gum causes unnecessary wear and tear of the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber in your jaw joints. MORE-ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is gum bad for you
Is gum bad for you?
its only bad is you sallow it because it could get stuck! but i dont think its bad just as long as u spit is out
Is chewing gum bad for you?
Sugar Free gum is good. If you can find gum w/ Xylitol in it that’s the best. Ice Breakers Ice Cubes has tons a Xylitol, it’s an artificial sweetener that prevents cavities, chew it 3 times a day and you’ve got extra protection (along with …
Does gum go bad?
it doesn’t go bad, per se. it will lost its moisture, which makes its consistency pretty disgusting. does this thread remind anyone else of the one Ihaman posted where he posted a picture of something he found in the back of his pickup tr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is a lot of gum bad for you ?
Q: I can go through a pack of gum in 10 minutes. Is that bad or are there people like me. It just doesn’t last very long and I always want more.
A: well… sugarless gums use sorbitol as an artificial sweetener. Too much sortbitol acts as a laxative.Sugared gums have sugar and can promote tooth decay.So… too much gum can lead to holey teeth or soupy poopy.
Is sugarless gum bad for you?
Q: If you chew sugarless gum a lot, will it eventually be bad for you? I mean, I’ve heard that eating too much of anything is bad for you, but technically, you’re not swallowing gum (Well, for the most part.) And in theory it cleans your teeth after meals. So is there anything unhealthy about it?CF_, I wasn’t asking about it’s social impact, only how it affects your health.I have a pack of Trident with me, and there’s no glucose, dextrose, etc.
A: no, I use sugarless for many years…
Is chewing gum bad for teeth or stomach?
Q: Wondering if eating too much chewing gum (Orbit Complete) could be bad for your teeth and if swallowing it is bad as well?
A: Don’t swallow. You can’t break it down and it’s a strain on your digestive system. You will be in that body another 80 years or so, take care of it.Chewing SUGAR FREE gum is good for your teeth. It increases salivation and pulls little bits of lunch from the cracks of your teeth. These things helps clean your teeth.
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