Is it bad to drink salt water

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to drink salt water”,you can compare them.

Yes, because then the cells have even less water than before, and you feel even more thirsty. Thank you! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to drink salt water
Why is it bad to drink saltwater?
As you know, salt dehydrates. Example-Salt is used to dry beef jerky etc. When a person drinks salt water when they are dehydrated, they become hallucigentic. The brain starts drying out and it is all down hill from there. Hope this helps.
Is it bad for pregnant women to drink salt water?
excess salt is bad to the body and you have to remember everything you drink or eat your baby is getting to. salt will make you thirsty and your baby too, it will dry you out
Is it bad to drink water with salt in it?
Nothing serious the sodium will just make you thirstier and more dehydrated.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to drink water with salt in it?
Q: One time i drunk water and there was salt in it is that good or bad?
A: Nothing serious the sodium will just make you thirstier and more dehydrated.
Why is it bad to drink salt water?
Q: This was on my bio quiz and it like was related to a unit on like hyper/hypotonic solutions and passive transport, diffusion, high/low concentrations, and active transport. anyone know what the answer was?
A: Yes you’re right. It’s about diffusion and the concentrations of water. I hope you know basic terminology for the unit.When you drink salt water, the salt water is in a hypotonic solution (meaning the concentration of water is higher in your body than the salt water). Osmosis and diffusion states that all particles tend to go from an area from higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. In this case, the water in your body diffuses into the salt water.Short answer: You die of dehydration.
If salt is needed in your daily intake, why is drinking salt/sea water bad?
Q: If salt is needed in your daily intake, why is drinking salt/sea water bad?
A: Salt in solution with blood is bad. The water within your blood cells say, “Whoa! Look at all the salt, we need to balance it so that the water out there is even with in here.” So all the water from your cells runs out to try to balance it making you dehydrated.
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