Is it bad to eat the skin of a kiwi

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to eat the skin of a kiwi”,you can compare them.

No. It is actually good for your skin if you eat the skin of a kiwi! Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to eat the skin of a kiwi
Is it bad to eat the skin of Kiwis?
actually it carries many of the kiwi’s nutrition and fiber
Is it okay to eat kiwi skins?
Yes you can eat the skins but they don’t taste very good. They are very bitter, best to just peel that part and chow down on the rest. Gold Kiwifruit or “Hinabelle”, with yellow flesh and a sweeter, less acidic flavour resembling …
Can you eat the skin of a kiwi fruit?
Yeah, sure you can. I haven’t eaten a Kiwi fruit in awhile, but I used to just wash them and cut them in half and eat ’em. The fuzz never bothered me, and although I’m not familiar with the health benefits of the rind (although I’m sure the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad to eat the skin of Kiwis?
Q: I have a friend who eats the skin of Kiwis and I heard that it is bad for you. Does the skin of the fruit have any negative effects on the body?
A: actually it carries many of the kiwi’s nutrition and fiber
Q: Sorry about the caps but can you eat kiwi skin is it bad?
A: I wouldn’t recommend it. WHO WOULD WANT TO EAT KIWI SKIN? Yuck! I don’t think it would be bad for you if you actually eat it (as long as you wash the skin properly), but it would taste disgusting, like eating orange peels.On another note, kiwi skin may actually be healthy for you since they have agents that can prevent cancer, flammation, and allergies, and give you fiber as well. However, you can get those by taking pills. No need to suffer from eating the repulsive skin when there are other options!
my son is three and half he eats kiwi skin is it bad for him?
A: Kiwi skin is edible, its just more fiber for him.
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