Is it better to have protein before or after working out

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it better to have protein before or after working out”,you can compare them.

Have a meal containing protein & carbs 2 hours before your workout or a protein shake 30 minutes before. After workout – protein. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it better to have protein before or after working out
Is it better to eat protein before or after working out??
30 minutes after you workout because thats when ur muscle needs it the most and also eat a slow digesting protein before you go to bed so your muscle can feed off the protein. Pre-workout you should take like green tea pills gives you natur…
Is it better to drink a protein shake before of after working out…?
Before AND after! Take a protein shake with about 15-20 grams of protein about 30-45 minutes before your workout, then another one with 30-50 grams immediately after. If you can only take one, then take about 1/3 before, 2/3 after. This wil…
When is the best time to drink a protein shake, before, during or…?
You want to make sure you take in fast proteins (that means whey) after working out. As mentioned before, NEVER mix it with milk, and never take milk after a workout. It slows the absorption of the protein, which defeats the purpose of post…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it better to consume protein before or after working out?
Q: I want to know if i should Eat/Drink protein before or after going to the gym.
A: ignore all the other answers, they are all wrong as usual. nutrition is a very complex science, dont trust anyone without a degree in dietetic or exercise science You need to consume protein throughout the day. our body cannot store protein and can only metabolize approximately 20 grams per four hour period so you should be consuming protein every 3-4 hours if you are attempting to gain muscle mass. whey is a quicly metabolized protein and casein protein is essentially an extended release protein so ideally, you should consume both to ensure adequate supplies. never consume over 1g of protein for each 2lb of body weight in a 24 hour period. protein can become toxic at high levels and can damage your liver. the only thing you really need to consume in addition to your regular diet is a post-workout replenishment meal or shake with plenty of natural, non plant protein and carbohydrates. we give our athletes (ncaa and pros) onesource optimal nutrition for convenience but a meal with pasta, lean meats and milk would be just as productive.
Is protein better before or after working out?
A: Protein afterwards is better. It will help your muscles heal and build up. You should not work out on a full stomach.Of course, make sure you get protein throughout the day also. Lower fat sources like tuna, milk, egg whites are best.
Is it better to eat protein before or after working out?
Q: Like a protein bar or smoothie?
A: 30 minutes after you workout because thats when ur muscle needs it the most and also eat a slow digesting protein before you go to bed so your muscle can feed off the protein.Pre-workout you should take like green tea pills gives you natural energy and helps burn fat
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