Is it possible to drink too much milk

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it possible to drink too much milk”,you can compare them.

Too much of anything is never good and milk is no different.Regular cows milk is quite hard for the human stomach to digest. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to drink too much milk
Is it possible to drink too much milk?
just drink what u crave
What will happen if you do not drink enough water?
: A state of dehydration will occur, resulting in headaches and dizziness. If a person does not have any fluid intake death will come within a week.
Can dogs drink milk?
Unless you are feeding goat milk, it can cause diarrhea. However, it’s safe to feed goat milk to a dog (in moderation of course). Our three dogs regularly share a quart of goat milk and never have digestive problems with it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it possible to drink too much milk in pregnancy?
Q: I am 18 weeks pregnant and craving milk like mad. I thought this was a great craving to have because of all the calcium i’m giving my baby. But yesterday someone told me too much milk can soften bones!!!! Sounds like cr*p to me, but has anyone else ever heard this?
A: Milk makes your bones stong, so I very much doubt thats true.But…when in doubt ask your doctor!
Is it possible to drink too much milk!?
Q: Is there a point where is becomes detrimental to your health? I have stopped drinking beer for a couple of months and as I don’t drink tea, coffee, etc and I don’t like too much fizzy drinks, I find myself drinking milk instead. It works out at about 2-5 pints a day- is this too much? If so, why?(I am healthy, so calories/fat aren’t a factor.)
A: oh gosh the recommendations is to drink 3 glasses a day u don’t need alot of milk i am glad u quit drinking beer milk has alot of calories and …calories hope this helps plz vote for me !
is there a possible way 2 drink too much milk?
Q: ok so this may seem kinda stupid but i am drinking milk right now and all of the sudden my back is hurting is this not normal?What does it mean?I’m talking about milk, not water ppl!
A: I don’t think so unless you are lactose intolerant but then again, too much of anything, even a good thing, is not good for you. I drink about 24 ounces of milk a day. Everything, including milk, in moderation.WA
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