Is it wrong to eat cat meat

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Some people say so because a cat is considered a domestic animal, or a pet. Eating cat meat in China, however, is considered okay. Its a cultural difference, so whether its right or wrong is up to you. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it wrong to eat cat meat
Do cats eat meat?
Well I hardly ever see them eat fruit. Meat is not bad for cats btw Angel. What do you think they eat? A cat is a natural hunter.
What happens to cats if they don’t eat meat?
Raw meat contains ingredients that cat need to survive but cannot form in their own bodies. If cat food companies did not add the items to prepared cat food, that food would also be useless to cats. Without these ingredients the cat will ev…
Do they eat cat meat?
Cat-eating is now illegal in Vietnam because cats are essential to control rice-eating rodents, though there are accounts of raids on cat-meat restaurants. Cat-eating is considered a vice. Which in this situation was due to starvation and t…

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Why is it wrong to eat dogs and cats but ok to eat cows and Chickens?
Q: My dog died last month and my buddy and me decide to try some of the meat. The lady living next door to me turned me in and I got fined. If we eat cows, pigs, and chickens, why not dogs and cats? It just doesn’t make any sence. Some countries serve all kinds of meat including horse meat. I’m gonna write my congressmen and tell him that we should legalize the use of dog and cat meat. What do you guys think?
A: I can’t believe it’s illegal. It doesn’t harm anyone to eat dog meat or the animal, as long as they died peaecfully. I would never eat dog but some people would. The government needs to respect the rights of those people.
Ok so since dogs and cats need to eat meat in the wild..whats so wrong?
Q: with dog food companies making dog food out of dead pets….No negative answer please…I love animals I am just curiousIm not ragging on pets..I love pets I am just curious! MAN PEOPLE on Y! answers have their panties in knot…..
A: *Drops Power Bar she was eating* What’s so wrong about it? Would you want someone to take your beloved recently deceased pet, grind it up, and sell it to be eaten by your neighbors pet? I didn’t think so.
If someone is of the belief that eating meat is wrong, what can they feed their dog or cat?
A: If that is their belief they really can only apply it to themselves. If they try to apply it to carnivorous animals it would be deemed cruelty to animals, abuse or neglect and they should not be allowed to keep them.
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