Is pasta a good source of carbohydrates

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Yes, pasta is a great source of carbohydrates. Thanks for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is pasta a good source of carbohydrates
What is the best source of carbohydrates for a sportsman? Potatoe…?
Pasta is slow burning , so a good source. Bananas are also great.I eat One for breakfast with cereal and then one 2 hours before the match and one one hour before the match. I am a ref and can keep up at the beginning of the match but find …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best source of carbohydrates for a sportsman? Potatoe, Pasta, Rice or Maize meal?
Q: Which of these has the best and most easily digestible carbs. I play rugby and need to stock up on carbs before games. The staple food in this part of Africa is maize meal porridge but I’m not convinced it’s the best source.
A: Pasta by far. This has been know for over 10 years.
Besides pasta, what else is a very good source of carbohydrates?
Q: (the question is self-explanatory)
A: Pasta is not a good source of carbohydrates in general. Most people have a problem with grains, especially refined grains as most pasta is made of. In fact, a person needs to be metabolically typed before they can determine if grains or any kind of carbohydrates are good or bad for them. Each of us digests carbs differently and to generalize is not good. Most grains sold in processed foods or even in bulk are loaded with phytic acid that is not good for the body. Ancient people’s, like the Egyptians, knew that they must soak their grains overnight in water before making anything from the grain to make them healthy. The soaking gets rid of the phytic acid. I know of NO company that sells grains in any form that does this. Once you have metabolically typed yourself, you will be able to determine what carbs are good or bad for you and you will be able to live much healthier. Another good thing for you to do is to read the book called, “Life Without Bread” by Christian Allan, Ph.D. Very good book to give you a very basic understanding of carbs.good luck
What are good vegetarian sources of carbohydrates and proteins for infants?
Q: My son is now almost 11 months old and prefers eating dairy products and fruits. I’m trying to introduce him to rice and potatoes. He doesn’t seem to like rice pasta or potatoes in any form.Does anyone know alternate carbohydrate and protein sources. Plus any secret recipes that have worked well to make your young ones eat those carbohydrates up?Many thanks.
A: I like the Morningstar Farms/Boca “chicken” nuggets. They’re so much healthier than real chicken, and young kids love them. They’re really soft and easy to chew, so a young toddler will be able to eat them without a problem. And sooo easy and quick to prepare.Also raw or cooked soybeans-They taste kind of sweet, so kids will be more likely to eat them than some other veggies. Mashed potatoes are good-If your son won’t eat them, you could try adding a crop of food coloring to make them more “fun.” That always worked for my son. Cut up cheese is good as well. Once he turns 12 months, you’ll be able to give him whole milk, which is a great source of protein.
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