Is popcorn considered a vegetable

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is popcorn considered a vegetable”,you can compare them.

The reason popcorn is not a vegetable is because it under goes through a bunch of chemical changes, Which is no longer a corn. Thank you for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is popcorn considered a vegetable
Is popcorn considered a vegetable?
I say yes. Since corn is a vegetable and popcorn is well, dried corn, it is a veg. In another way of looking at it would say it is a spice. (?) Well we consider seeds and bark to be spices. Caraway, anise, coriander, (cinnamon is a bark)…
Why isn’t popcorn considered a vegetable?
Corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and is classified as a starch, like potatoes.
Is popcorn considered a vegetable or a whole grain?
I need more detail on that to commit. Did you pop it in an air popper, added a little real butter?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is popcorn considered a vegetable?
Q: Why would it be considered a grain if it comes from corn?
A: dry corn kernels are considered a grain because their properties are more like grain – starchy, you can make baked goods and beer from it like other grains. So it is considered grain because it acts like grain.Fresh corn still has sugar that hasn’t turned to starch and thus is considered a vegetable.
Why isn’t popcorn considered a vegetable?
Q: I mean it’s corn right? And corn is a vegetable. So, just because it’s popped it isn’t a vegetable anymore?Hmm… a grain. I was told corn was a vegetable.
A: Corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and is classified as a starch, like potatoes.
Is popcorn considered a vegetable since it comes from corn?
A: No. Neither are corn pops, or corn flakes.
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