Is potassium good for you

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is potassium good for you”,you can compare them.

Yes! Potassium is involved in nerve function, muscle control and blood pressure. Low levels may cause hyper-tension! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is potassium good for you
Is potassium good for you?
Potassium works with sodium to maintain the body’s water balance. One possible explanation for potassium’s protective effect against hypertension is that increased potassium may increase the amount of sodium excreted from the body. The kidn…
Why do you need potassium?
Potassium is one of the electrolytes essential to the smooth running of the human body; in fact just about all bodily functions depend on it to some extent. It is also one of the most abundant minerals in the body, constituting 70% of the p…
What is potassium used for?
* It is primarily used in fertilizers as either the chloride, sulfate or carbonate – not as the oxide. * Potassium hydroxide is an important industrial chemical used as a strong base. * Potassium nitrate is used in gunpowder (black powder)….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can I eat or drink that will provide me with good potassium?
Q: For some reason I hate eating a banana because it contains a lot of sugar, and I do need potassium. Is there other non sweat fruits or vegetables that provide a good source of potassium?
A: Sure: eat carrot. 🙂
What food is a good source of potassium?
Q: I feel like my body needs it because of the way I felt today. And I know bananas are a good source of potassium, but the thing is when I eat bananas, my mouth, tongue, and throat itches, so I think I’m allergic. What other foods have alot of potassium?
A: All of the following foods have potassium values per one cup serving greater than 400 micrograms (0.4 miligrams), and many approach 700 (0.7 miligrams). Root vegetables including potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, and rutabagas are the highest in potassium, and are delicious in roasts: a single baked potato with skin has 700 micrograms (0.7 miligrams) of potassium. Melons, peaches, avocados, tomatoes, and bananas are all high in potassium as well, and can be eaten raw, mixed in fruit salads, and included in a variety of dishes. In addition, squash, lentils, and beans have a high potassium content: try roasting squash, or using beans and lentils in a healthy soup. In addition to having high calcium levels, fish and white meat also have high potassium levels along with whole milk, yogurt, and buttermilk. Finally, raw nuts also have a great deal of dietary potassium, usually packing 200 micrograms (0.2 miligrams)or more per ounce, and one tablespoon of molasses has almost 300 micrograms (0.3 miligrams).
What are some good potassium free foods/meals?
Q: My mom has high potassium, what are some good snack or meal ideas for her?
A: Hopefully, her doctor provided some guidance. Seems that low potassium advice is more about what to avoid that what to eat: rank the servings by potassium content:
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