Should you drink protein before you go to sleep

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Yes you should get some protein as close to bedtime as possible. Taking slow digesting protein can help stop catabolism! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you drink protein before you go to sleep
Is it ok to drink whey protein right before going to sleep??
Well, why’s absortion is quite fast, but the fact you use milk means you’ve got cassein (protein) and lactose (sugar) to digest the rest of the night and keep your stomach entertained. Its not the top of the range, but since your muscles gr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do i need to drink protein before workout, after or both? What about before I go to sleep?
Q: I use to make a milk-protein shake and drink half before working out, and half right after.Then I would drink half a proteinshake before going to sleep.Now Im thinking of drinking whole protein shake after workout, none before, and sustain release protein shake before going to sleep.Which is the proper/better way?Thank You.p.s. i know about limit on taking-in too much protein.. I make sure not to take too much.
A: well you are supposed to eat protien before and after you work out…which I guess is what you said you already do….so I would stick to what you are doing! I’ve heard that the most important time to have protien is AFTER you work out…so if you are really set on changing, then you should skip the shake before.
Can I drink my Protein before I go to sleep?
Q: ^^I want to know if I can drink it before I sleep instead of in the morning because Protein gives me a lot of ‘gas’ and I just don’t want to deal with it at school LOL. Also I drink it with warm milk and I heard it takes longer to digest so would it essentially be the same?
A: Yes there is no problem
should I drink whey protein before going to sleep?
Q: Is there any difernce or anything with muscle gain?
A: Actually, whey protein isn’t recommended for before bed time: casein protein is. Whey is a fast digesting protein. While whey probably won’t be stored as body fat, you really want a slow digesting protein (like casein) so that your body has a steady supply of protein to repair itself.I read a lot of the fitness magazines and most do recommend consuming protein before bed time. As you sleep, your body repairs itself and protein is needed. This is especially true if you are weight training and looking to take on muscle.Generally, you do not want to consume carbohydrates before bed time, as those will often times be used as fat.You may find it useful to pick up a copy or two of Muscle and Fitness Magazine. They usually have some sound nutrition practices and they are always harping about using casein protein before bed and give scientific reasoning behind the practice.Casien protein is harder to find and tends to be more expensive. I still occasionally use whey protein before bed and haven’t had any issues with it.Good luck.
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