What are all of the possible effects of Adderall

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Although most people tolerate Adderall well, there are some potential side effects of the medication, such as headaches, weight loss, and emotional changes. In many cases, Adderall side effects are minor and can be easily treated by you or your MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-of-the-possible-effects-of-adderall ]
More Answers to “What are all of the possible effects of Adderall
What are the possible side effects of Adderall?
Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking this drug. Serious side effects may include: slowing of…
Is it possible to fake attention deficit disorder to get adderall…?
Doctors know many people come in looking for this type of medication, so medication is the last thing they will try for treating ADD. You’ll be going through a lot of behavioural therapy before they prescribe you these. Not to mention, they…
What are the possible side effects of Adderall (Amphetamine Dextr…?
Stop using amphetamine and dextroamphetamine and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

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Drug effects adderall and marijuana?
Q: I’m an 18 year old senior, I’ve been prescribed adderall since i was like 10, and they’ve worked well, I take as prescribed, but i like to work out on them, and mix it with marijuana. I know it can give you heart attack but im only lifting, and ive never had any problems, also i have a very high tolerance. thats beside the point. I’m here asking what can be the possible effects of the mixing, I’ve only been doing it for a month, I only like the weed, because I dont get bored and I have great workouts. As for the mental effects, weed makes me feel the same as everyone else, but adderall obviously makes me focused BUT FOR ME it also makes me antisocial, and puts me in a zone. I really just want to know if there are any dangers.also, for all of u that have done it once, its alot different for me, adderall has like 1/200 the effect on me that it does you, so your one time experiences really dont matter.thanksps, maybe any other safer techniques, over the counter drugs, or whatever that will help me not be so bored while lifting?
A: I would not recommend mixing adderall and marijuana. Marijuana, though mostly benign by itself, does produce effects including a rapid heartbeat and decrease of blood pressure. Mixing an amphetamine with this, could be dangerous, as the two drugs could produce a synergistic effect, increasing the potential of either drugs to cause dangerous effects. Perhaps you could try varying your workout routine, so as you aren’t so bored.
Adderrall side effects?
Q: My cousin just switched from concerta to adderall for her ADHD, she is on 30 mg of adderall XR and sees a little change and told me her freind lost alot of weight, of course that isnt the reason she went on it but will she lose weight from adderall and what are other possible side effects. We’ve read all listed on the bottle but surely there are different with every person and more.
A: I have 2 children on Aderall XR 20mg. My oldest son had tics which the Dr. said was not a side effect of the Aderall but rather a symptom of ADHD in one out of every 10 children with ADHD. However upon researching this myself I realized that it seemed to happen more with children on Aderall than other ADHD drugs. Aderall works the best for my family however because it is a drug that you can stop and start back up again and many of them are not. For instance I don’t have to give it to them on the weekend or winter/summer break if they’re not in a structured environment. The Doctor did suggest that the one with tics take Fish oil to diminish the tics and see if that worked. No more tics. He was on 25mg last year when he had the tics and now is working his way down as we feel he’s starting to grow out of it. I hope this has been helpful. My youngest son has had no side effects from the drug. You are right I believe every chemical effects each of us as individuals differently in our unique design.
I just started taking Adderall for possible ADD (a few questions)?
Q: Long story, I was prescribed Adderall but insurance wouldn’t pay for it until I tried Concerta. That didn’t work at all, so today I got Adderall. It says on the container to take 1/2 pill twice a day(because it’s not XR, I’m supposed to make the same dose last longer). So at about 8PM, I took a half. 30minutes or so later, I quickly get this feeling all over my body that’s kind of tingly under my skin. I also get light-headed, slight dizziness, and a fake exhaustion(I felt way tired but had plenty of energy). At the time, I was filling out a tax form at the table and had to stop and lay my head down for a minute. It was the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me. After a while, I feel kind of slowed down, both in mind and body. I can still move quickly, but it feels weird. The thing is, most of the side-effects I experienced were not listed on the Wikipedia page on Adderall.Are these normal effects? What exactly will I notice if it works? I learned that Adderall is mixed amphetamine salts. So how is it related to methamphetamine?Also I probably should have mentioned that my sleep schedule is not normal or consistent. I went to sleep at 2AM last night but woke up at 8 this morning(for school). At the time I took the pill, I wasn’t feeling sleepy at all, and I knew that I wouldn’t go to sleep until well after midnight.
A: You felt that way because you body was naturally tired with this stimulant counteracting the chemicals in your brain that tell you its time to go to sleep soon.8pm is way to late to take adderall but those are normal effectsAnd adderall is pure amphetamine, or dextroamphetamine which is in the family of meth. it’s not as addictive as meth but is closely related.
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