What are all the signs people are on drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are all the signs people are on drugs”,you can compare them.

Some signs of drug use can be sudden weight loss or weight gain and changes in or excessive sleep. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-signs-people-are-on-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are all the signs people are on drugs
What are all the signs people are on drugs
Some signs of drug use can be sudden weight loss or weight gain and changes in or excessive sleep. ChaCha on!
How to Discover Signs of Drug Use in People Around You?
It is imperative that you understand how to determine that one of your loved ones or a close friend is using drugs or alcohol. In this video you will learn how to recognize signs of substance abuse. For example, did you know that alienation…
Is a sign of people using drugs that they eat a lot of candy or s…?
No, I have never heard of that. Seems like an old wives’ tale or something. I will tell you one thing that drug addicts always eat: DRUGS. And they are bad, okay?

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A: uh move out you’re 18 leave your folks to their dope stop ruining their lives.
Could I have OCD?
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A: It could be OCD but OCD is a day after day thing where your describing hours and hours of the one thing in one go – I have no idea what it could be but definately worth talking to a Dr about
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