What are extends

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Extends Internet, specializing in low cost personal and small business web hosting and design services, php database. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-extends ]
More Answers to “What are extends
What is Extends?
Designed to help combat the problem of erectile dysfunction in males, Extends is a product created by Biotab Nutraceuticals, Inc. Sold via website, the product claims to enhance desire, pleasure and performance for those using Extends. Exte…
Which state extends farther north, Georgia or Texas?
On the map you will see that the Panhandle of Texas is farther north than Georgia.
What is the muscle group that extends the knee?
The quadriceps muscles of the anterior compartment of the thig are responsible for the action of extending the knee. The quadriceps are actually four muscles all working together. They consist of the rectus femoris, the vastus lateralis, th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the organ called that is behind the penis that extends to the anus?
Q: The penis extends inside of the body. What is it called when its inside the body?I have a small bead-like lump above my testicles on a ligament. It is worrying me.
A: the perineum is the part between the testicles and the anus
How do you fix a camera that turns off after the lens extends?
Q: It’s a Casio Exilim Z700, and when powered on the lens extends and it makes two mechanical noises (perhaps gears slipping), then the lens retracts and it powers off. I am able to view my pictures and menu/settings, if i quickly press the view picture button. Help!!!Battery is fully charged and fine. Have taken it out and put it in to see if it changed anything, but still the same problem.
A: Here’s some things that you can do to try to correct it. They only seem to work for less than 50% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty, they’re worth a try:http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html
how do you add text to scrolling credits animation in a powerpint if the text extends far beyond the text box?
Q: I am trying to add scrolling credits to a powerpoint but my text extends far beyond the text box. I need approx 346 lines to input my text. Is this possible? I have tried to re-size the text box per many powerpoint tutorials, but the scrolling still stops halfway.
A: If this scrolling credits Office tutorial doesn’t suit you…have you tried just switching to a new Slide and creating another animation? Let me know if this helps!
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