What are good ways to loose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are good ways to loose weight”,you can compare them.

If foods like burgers are basic to your current diet, cutting out red meat can go a long way in helping you make healthier meal choices and losing weight. By building your meals around fish and poultry, you can more easily keep temptation at MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-ways-to-loose-weight ]
More Answers to “What are good ways to loose weight
What are good ways to loose weight?
You need to lower your calorie intake don’t eat junk food and exercise 1 hour every day you can put on music and go crazy dancing and jumping.
What’s the fastest ways to loose weight?
there’s no fast way to do it unless you have the money to get the surgery done. the wrong way to do it is to starve yourself because you just get fatter later. the best option is eating healthy and regular exercise. healthy food can taste r…
Is there an alternative way to loose weight?
There is no good time or bad time to workout! Whatever works best for your schedule and fits in so …

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what r some good and healthy ways to exersise and loose weight?
Q: i need some good and healthy ways to loose weight in like 6 weeks and i don’t want to hurt myself by doing it. Im also in love with sugar so what r some good ways to prevent my cravings?
A: 1. the most important thing that works very well for me is NOT eating or drinking anything but water or green tea after 7 in the evening, i myself lose about 3 pounds by doing it only for 2 days. it is a great method. my mom also tried it and lost about 30 pounds in 2 months,2. the second most important is avoiding foods like cookies, muffins, crackers, (even things like special k,…) , and coca cola, soda, fruit juice that is done in the factories (not those at home),3. the third always eat break fast but not things like cereals and muffin , instead you want to eat a peace of whole grain bread with some low fat cheese and some nuts,4. fourth, drink a lot of water during the day,5. fifth get enough night sleep.6. try to walk about 10 mins every morning to make your metabolism start quickly and burn fat quickly.7. eat enough fruits and vegetables each day.8. mae sure to have whole grain products, no alcohol, avoid red meat, & fried food & mc donalds, milk shake and ice cream.but dont forget, the fist three can work like a miracle, as they did for me, my mom, and my cousin.now they are in low normal weight, and i’m underweight just by this method.and good luck.
Does anyone know any good ways to loose weight?
Q: Does anyone know any good ways to loose weight? I was thinking in just eating eggs, salads and gallons of water (drown myself) LOL! What do you think or do you have any better ideas. I’m not to crazy in popping pills cause I tend to get lazy and I dont care to excersie. I think I do alot of walking, standing, and running around between my job and kids. I really dont care to excersies til I get some weight off and feel a little better about myself. you know I’m just a person always doing for others and never for me….
A: Hello Dear,you sound a good person and mummy..I am glad that you are not crazy about those stupid pills and all that advertisement on mirracle remedies. I would recommend you one dietsry plan and I am sure it will work for you,as far as you are consistent and don’t lack will and motivation.It’s rather simple.Ear separately all the proteins(milk,eggs,fish etc) and don’t mess them with any carbohidrates(pasta,bread etc) at least for two weeks.Eat normally,don’t skip a meal,preferably not large portions.For example if you decide to eat a steak,add abundant salad,like tomatoes,cucumber,lettuce etc.add some oil(Olive is the best)..if you choose to eat carbohidrates take a loaf of bread and make a sandwich with all you have in mind without cheese,meat etc. If you stick to that,naturally for at about a week or so you’ll reduce your weight with 3 to 5 kilograms. Drink a few cups od green tea,fresh juices..as to your phisical activity REally amazing is the effect of WALKING..JUST WALK(5-6km per day)..and let me know how’s going in..Good luck!!
What are some good ways to loose weight that a 14 year old with no money can do?
Q: I want to loose 15 pounds by January but I dont eat that much. I weigh 138 and im 5ft. I want to at leat be 125. The problem is that i dont exersize because i am too out of shape. What are some ways i can loose my goal weight? Would dancing for a hour a day make me get to my goal weight in time?
A: Walk..cut out sugar.
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