What are rolaids for

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Rolaids relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of acid indigestion, heartburn, gas, and sour stomach. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-rolaids-for ]
More Answers to “What are rolaids for
What are Rolaids?
Rolaids have been around for nearly a century. The popular antacid comes in several different flavors and types of chews. The medicine’s active ingredients are calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide.
Is it safe to take rolaids during pregnancy?
i always thought the same thing, doctors say you can’t take anything but tylenol and whatnot, but my aunt when she was pregnant she went to the doctor and said hey man, i have the worst heart burn of my life, what can i do. and the doctor t…
What Is the Chemical Formula in Rolaids?
Rolaids is an antacid that works on ridding the system of heartburn, upset stomach, bloating and gas pressure caused by foods and sometimes stress. There are three types of Rolaids: regular…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many milligrams of calcium carbonate are in a rolaids tablet?
Q: If a rolaids tablet contains clacium carbonate, which neutralizes stomach acid. If 30.10 mL of O.448 M hydrochloric acid is required to neutrilize one tablet. CaCO3 (s) 2 HCl (aq)—-> CaCl2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
A: 675 mg CaCO3, 135mg
Is it safe to give a 18 month old rolaids?
Q: My mother-in-law gives my neice rolaids every night and shes only 18 months old. Is this safe? It doesnt seem like it would be. She has also been letting her drink whole cans of coke since before she was a year old. I know that cant be safe.The little girl doesnt need them she just likes the way they taste. I feel so bad for her too. My mother in law is raising her pretty much.
A: what is wrong with this woman,and why would she give a child rolaids? what is wrong with her..does she realize what taking rolaids are all about,and giving a child a whole can of coke is ridiculous also, i would be saying something to the mother in law, and fast, but the child should be ok, but would put a stop to all this.
Rolaids is sold as an antacid, but what other health benefit is there?
Q: Rolaids is sold as an antacid, but what other health benefit is there in ingesting the active ingredient in Rolaids?
A: Calcium
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