What are some symptoms of cancer in a mouse

Health related question in topics Animals Plants .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some symptoms of cancer in a mouse”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of cancer in mouse would be same as in human, and varies by type of cancer. Usually there’s lump, pain and weight loss. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-cancer-in-a-mouse ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of cancer in a mouse
What are some symptoms of cancer in a mouse
Symptoms of cancer in mouse would be same as in human, and varies by type of cancer. Usually there’s lump, pain and weight loss.

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something is wrong with my mom, she has these symptoms like as if she’s on a bad high?
Q: My mom has been disabled for quite some time. She had 4 spinal fusions, and nerological disorder. She had recently had surgery(#4) like a month 1/2 ago. They put a bone stimulator in her back & it’s literaly boldging out of her back(as big as a computer mouse) She has melanoma cancer. She is only in late 40’s. She is right now drowzy(prob.medicine) and she is in pain. But she keeps lying down, 2 min. go by and she sits up. Ache-ing-ly saying she’s scared(i ask her what she’s scared about) she says i don’t know, then lies back down, she has been repeating she’s scared and lies up then down(uncomfortably) But it’s like she’s having a bad high. She keeps saying she’s scared, thats all she is saying. Is there anyone that cvan help me with advice or has been through this?
A: this sounds like delirium. If she is already on medication and the pain keeps her from sleeping I think she is experiencing sleep deprivation delirium. I agree with the others you need to get her to a Doctor, I just don’t believe it should be the same one you went to. Best of wishes to you and yours
What do you think !?!?!!?
Q: It’s a persuasive essay on how cell phonesaffect today’s society. I’m in 8th grade .What do you think of it ?Can you edit please?The Negative Impact of a Positive InventionAs the role of technology in daily life steadily increases, one has to ponder about the effects it will have on today’s students. Although we who have grown up with cell phones might not easily imagine life without them, it is important to realize that owning one has undesired impacts on our lives. Cell phone use among students can become detrimental towards schoolwork, leads to addiction,promotes superfluous communication and could cause serious accidents especially while driving. The use of cell phones may be very disruptive to those around us and can be perceived as improper behavior in many situations.You’re at a four-way intersection, trying to make a left turn, when your best friend calls you. Obviously, it must be important since she is texting you. Looking down at your phone’s screen you laugh while reading the message and take your foot off the brake. Your car drifts into the opposing lane, just as oncoming traffic is speeding by. A disaster waiting to happen? You bet. That is just one example of the many accidents that can occur when driving while texting . Studies have shown that driving while talking on a cell phone is as bad as drinking and driving. Why? When a driver is talking on a cell phone, this requires the driver to take their attention off of the road, even if it is only for a matter of seconds.In other words, cell phones increase the number of fatal car accidents.“Put that cell phone away!” You hear that phrase a lot in the classroom. Today, teachers have to ask students to turn off their cellular phones and pay attention in class. This begins to affect the learning environment in the classroom by disturbing the lesson. Some of the reasons administration says we as students cant have them at school is because we use them for cheat methods, students can text each other during class and miss out on that days lesson, and they can even text each other answers during tests or exams. Since many teachers use the same tests, for different class periods students can jot down the answers to the test, and send it to a number of their friends.In 2005, the number of cell phone users, was estimated to be 2,168,433,600. According to Dr. Ron Pawl, a neurosurgeon at Lake Forest Hospital, the radiation from cellular phones increase the risk of brain cancer. There is still not enough clear evidence that proves that the radiation caused by cellular phones can cause cancer, but studies with laboratory animals have shown that low levels of radiation have been dangerous. Researchers in Australia found that mice who were exposed to cellular radiation have a greater chance of developing cancer. According to some researchers at the University of Zurich, mobile phones increase the brain activity in our sleep. Symptoms such as fatigue and headaches are more common to those who make longer phone calls. Many tests show that cell phones can expose large amounts of radiation from the keypad and mouthpiece, not only the antenna!There also many advantages of cell phones, some examples are having the ability to communicate instantly in an emergency or getting hold of people at the last minute. The disadvantages are much greater though, getting into serious car accidents, interferes with schoolwork and can cause dangerous health problems! Overall, the decision to have one or not is yours, the consumers. Depending on your needs, you may want a cell-phone. Many risks may come up. In fact, maybe the reason you got into a car crash is because you were on a cell-phone. In the end, it’s your choice. Which side do you pick?I know it’s really long, but it’s due tomorrow& no one in my family speaks English, so they can’t edit it !
A: Consumer lose the last s. add ‘s to brain in the sentence on sleep (zurich study). Overall an extremely good essay. Are you certain that is for an eight grade class? I’m impressed.
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