What are some ways to eat healthier

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Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure-that is, don’t eat more food than your body uses. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-eat-healthier ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to eat healthier
What are some ways to eat healthier?
Well cut out the junk first. Find healthy ways to snack too. Like I eat Soy Ice Cream or Soy yogurt that are really yummy. Eat as much fruit and veggies as you can and for when I am really hungry I eat a whole grain sandwich with soy meat a…
What are healthy ways to eat starches?
Buy whole grain breads and cereals. Eat fewer fried and high-fat starches such as regular tortilla chips and potato chips, french fries, pastries, or biscuits. Try pretzels, fat-free popcorn, baked tortilla or potato chips, baked potatoes, …
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some ways to eat healthier?
Q: i dont want to lose weight– im only 13 and im already at a good weight. i just want to eat better to improve my health. does anyone have any tips on how to do this?
A: My post would be 8 miles long if I explained it all, so I’ll refer you to my favorite website for healthy eating information:www.webmd.comThe basics, however, are to get a large variety of veggies and fruits, breads and pastas should be whole grain (theyll usually say 100% whole grain on the label), and plenty protein, like lean meats, skim milk, light yogurt and cheese, nuts, etc (I know you don’t wanna lose weight, but I say “light” and “skim” to cut down on fat). And of course, cut down on fast food, sodas, chips, ice cream, fried foods, etc, etc. Eliminate them altogether if you can.www.mypyramid.gov can give you information on how many calories you need in order to stay at your current weight, given your age, height and activity level.
What are some good ways to help myself eat healthier?
Q: I’m 13 and a dancer, so I want to try to eat a little healthier. I snack a lot, and since were always on the move, I tend to eat fast food a lot. Do you have any tips to help me eat healthier?I dont want to lose weight,Im 13, 5′ 6″ and only 100 lbs.I dont need to lose weight, just be healthier
A: eat VEGGIESeat FRUITSdrink plenty of WATERget enough SLEEPhave time to EXERCISEavoid CIGARETTES, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES etc.avoid JUNK FOODSavoid CARBONATED DRINKS such as SODAS, COLAS etc.avoid STRESShave time to RELAXenjoy LIFE
What are some really good ways to save money and eat healthier?
Q: I spend most of my time going out to eat and such, and of coursethat is really expensive and not always the healthiest. So, I waswanting some really good tips on great recipes and just good adviceon how to stay disciplined and save money. Thanks!!!
A: I only have a bit of advice, and no recipes since I believe you can create your own.Locally grown and seasonal produce are normally sold at a cheaper price. Barley, couscous, legumes and brown rice are healthy and go far in a recipe.It is sometimes difficult to stay disciplined, but when you have fresh fruit or vegs in the house it’s easier to use them than to throw them away knowing you are thowing your money away with the product. I’m a hoarder. I load up on items which are on sale which I know I will use. I make a bit more than I need and feeze the rest in individual containers for a quick lunch or dinner when I haven’t the time to cook. Nothing is cheap nowadays, so I tend to go to the dollar stores for items which are good quality but at a lower price (usually the price is lower since the box is dented, etc.). Nothing wrong with the product though. I’ve learned to cook a lot of things which I normally went out for since it’s cheaper and I can control the spice factor.Good luck. We all need help.
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