What are teeth made of

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Human teeth are made up of four different types of tissue: pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-teeth-made-of ]
More Answers to “What are teeth made of
teeth are made up of enamel,dentin and pulp enamel being the outer layer strongest among human tissues —stronger than bone dentin is next layer pulp the inner most layer which has nerves and blood vessels in it of course teeth also have c…
Teeth have to be very hard to withstand all the chewing and crunching of food. The hard material of the tooth is composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other mineral salts. The material in the majority of the tooth is called dentine. The hard…
If you are like me, you have often wondered how brushing your teeth twice a day does not wear them down. Teeth are very important and the one thing I remember from working in a nursing home as a teenager is all of the older folks telling me…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are your bones and teeth made of the material?
Q: Are all bones made the same material. What’s the difference between your teeth and your bones? I would think your teeth are bones also. No?
A: Bones are bones….. teeth are made up of enamel (outside portion that you see), cementum, dentin and pulp tissue….and they’re not bones.
what are george washingtons teeth made out of?
Q: ok! heres the deal i’ve heard that washingtons teeth were made out of tons of things things from metal to clay. but what was it really? is there real proof to what they were?
A: Actually, the teeth are on display at the Mt. Vernon (Washinton’s home, for those that didn’t pay attention in history class) museum in Virginia. They are a lead base (I guess they didn’t understand lead poisioning at that time) and are set with a combination of human teeth, cattle teeth, and elephant ivory. I have no idea where the myth of wooden teeth came from, but I’ve seen these teeth first-hand. Check out the web site for a picture. They’re kind of spooky looking.A quote from John Adams about his false teeth seems to indicate that he lost his teeth by cracking too many walnuts with his teeth as a youth, although the importance of dental hygene wasn’t really known in the 1700’s.
I love Vampire teeth and would like to get my origional teeth made larger for the effect. Is this possible?
Q: Not like fake plastic teeth, like capped teeth made larger or sumthing.
A: How do you expect to be able to chew properly with vampire teeth???? We humans live on a variety of food that we must bite and chew in order to swallow it and digest it. Vampire teeth are for sucking blood, are you planning to change to a diet of blood? Yuck! All those diseases you could catch!
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