What are the best weight loss tips

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the best weight loss tips”,you can compare them.

1. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages. 2. Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should >More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-weight-loss-tips ]
More Answers to “What are the best weight loss tips
Weight Management. This journey has got to start somewhere. So we’ve gathered all the best online tools in one place — so you can determine where you currently stand and where you need to go.
When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together. If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you d…
The best weight loss tips support the tried and true method of losing weight, which is reducing calories and fat while increasing physical activity. Eating balanced, healthy meals and snacks is important because otherwise the body may becom…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are your best tips for weight loss success?
Q: I’m looking for some new weight loss tips, I work out regularly and I’ve cut out excess white sugar and complex carbs, how have you successfully lost weight?Please, no advice if it hasn’t worked for you or someone you personally know 🙂 Thanks ahead of time for your answers, and I’ll be sure to pick a best answer to give those points!
A: I wish you had posted your present workout plan, but I can give you some tips to get you too the next phase of fitness.If you can do LISS(low intensity steady state), early morning easy walking, even on a treadmill for 40mins on an empty stomach, you will burn fat, while holding onto your LBM(lean body mass), which is the key for you to burning fat. Always remember, if you do cardio and weights correctly, you will hold onto LBM, so you can burn fat. If you do things like run on a day you lift weights, you will burn up muscle, a no no, so always choose LISS early morning and 20mins after weights. If you want to run, or do run intervals,only run on days you don’t lift weights…..so again, you hold onto muscle.For meals, you should be eating 5-6meals per day, protein/carbs/healthy fats(I wonder why you cut out complex carbs?) They are what supports energy building for LBM, along with protein and healthy fats…..so you boost your metabolism all day. You need to have the proper ratios to support LBM. Eat things like lean steak, grilled chicken breast, tuna, 1-yolk with 2 whites, toast, oatmeal, potatoes, cheerios, olive oil lightly drizzeled over your salad, 4 walnuts, danon light yogurt….with these choices, you can form 5-6 small meals or 2 as snacks easily!If you can eat properly to support LBM, and ignore the scale weight, you will look terrific! The above are some of the rules and tips I use for my clients for success! With all my clients, they learn that the scale moves slowly or not at all, or sometimes they gain, but that is because their muscle to fat ratio is so high, and muscle weighs more, but they lose inches and feel great, and need to buy new clothes!I hope this helps! Good luck!
What are your best weight-loss tips and motivations?
Q: How to get up each morning and go for a jog?How to avoid the cravings? Tell us your best weight-loss tips/motivators/play lists…anything!
A: When it comes to losing weight, staying motivated is one of the hardest thing to do. You tend to want to give up after not seeing results early in your program. However, you should keep you eye on your goal. Whether it is to lose 10 pounds, 25 pounds or even 100 pounds. You see the only person that knows what you really want is you. Tell yourself you can do it and follow through with your program. Below are some tips to help you stay focus and lose weight.Tip #1- Avoid going on the scale on a regular basis. For most people the is a bad habit. You see the scale can be very discouraging. If you constantly go on the scale and do not see a decrease in your weight you will feel like giving up because you may think that your program is not working. But note that the scale can be misleading. You see while you are losing weight, you are also building muscles. Therefore it will not show on the scale since the mass of your muscles will replace the weight loss. So to avoid feeling discouraged, you should avoid the scale.Tip #2- Do not compare your body with others. Everyone has a different genetic make up. Some people can lose weight fast while some people will take months. Now if you are comparing yourself with others, you will only discourage yourself more and not focus on your real goal that you want to achieve.Tip #3- Treat yourself after you cross small milestones. This will motivate you to continue. So break down your long term goals into smaller goals and once you achieve one of your goals, treat yourself to something nice.
What are your best weight loss tips?
Q: My mother and I are both trying to lose weight, but we are competing in a way, and she will overcome me soon. She has a bit of advantage because I am in school for a lot of the day, but when I get home, I spend most of my time doing homework and studying. Do you have any tips. I am 5’4″ and I weigh about 173.
A: I’m trying to lose weight too. This is what I’m doing now: I have a binder with dividers as my weight loss journal. This does help even though, at first, I didn’t see the benefit. It keeps track and see what you are doing wrong and things that work. Anyways, I divided it into 5 sections(Daily Journal, Tips/ Motivation, Food/Exercise Track, Progress, and Final Destination. To start off, before all my sections,(this sounds dumb but…) I wrote a letter to my future self. In this letter, I’m talking to me after I will accomplish my ultimate goal. I do not say IF i do it. I write to me as i know I will. Talking in this manner helps. Anyways, I include my reasons for weight loss and I tell myself that I admire me. Dumb I know, but it may work. In tips/Motivation, I’ll list tips people tell me or what I read in books and online and I’ll write quotes or collect pictures that inspire me. I’ll record everything I eat in the Food/Exercise Track and the time I eat it and what I do for exercise. Eevery day, I will start a fesh paper and on the top I will include my weekly Goal. Progress is for weekly goal accomplishments and weight that I will lose monthly. It will also include my evaluation(like what I did that worked and didn’t work and how I will improve what I do. And final stage will be when I meet my ultimate goal or when I’m pretty close to it. I will write an overall entry take pictures of myself and you know, be proud of me. Besides all this I suggest that you do reward yourself like doing things that you enjoy. I heard this is very important. Think to yourself that you WILL do it and not YOU Might. This will also motivate you.Good Luck!
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