What are the effects of taurine

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Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. It is thought to help regulate heartbeat, maintain cell membranes, and affect the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry signals between nerve cells in the brain. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-taurine ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of taurine
What is taurine?
Taurine is Taurine is a substance that supports cardiovascular health. It is an additive in dog and cat food. It is found in animals like chickens. It is also the second most common found amino in a humans muscles. It is often added to ener…
Where does the taurine from red bull come from?
Taurine is conjugated via its amino terminal group with chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid to form the bile salts sodium taurochenodeoxycholate and sodium taurocholate. The low pKa (1.5) of taurine’s sulfonic acid group ensures that this…
What taurine made out of?
Red Bull has not got Bull sperm. even the taurine is made syntheticaly http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4963621_how-taurine-made.html

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you know the side effects of use of taurine?
Q: I had being drinking can and cans of taurine and suddenly i’m having muscular contractions very painful, do you think it is related to taurine consuption?
A: It is theoretically possible if you just had a ton of Taurine since it helps (in proper doses) to maintain the body’s electrolyte balance, but it would have taken a whole lot. It would also make sense if you were working out or sweating a lot, since that is an easy way to lose electrolytes. Magnesium is good for muscle health, although you shouldn’t take it with Calcium if you want the maximum benefit from the Magnesium. Magnesium helps Calcium to be absorbed, but not the other way around… taking it with Calcium might reduce the pure benefits from the Magnesium that you would get.You would get good benefits from proper doses of Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, and the other electrolytes (all of which can cause muscle spasms or cramps when you’re deficient) to help replenish what may have been lost. The easiest way to get that would be either a few replenishing drinks (Gatorade/Powerade is fine, but Emer’Gen-C or similar products would be healthier) or some bananas, yams, etc. Good luck and I hope I helped!
Are there any side effects or bad effects to drinking drinks with Taurine (bull bile)?
Q: is taurine really bull bile? what is bull bile?
A: As a dietitian, I can tell you that taurine is not likely to benefit you in any way. It is an amino acid (protein building block) that is common in most living species. Yes, it is found in bull bile….but it is also found in different foods, human and animal tissues, etc… It is added to different energy and protein drinks, but there is little/no research to suggest that is has any benefits in terms of giving energy or building muscle. However, there is also no research about what happens when humans ingest large amounts of it (like in energy drinks). Therefore, don’t intentionally consume it as a supplement. Having a Red Bull or other energy drink from time to time should not endanger your health.
effects of taurine?
Q: what are all the positive and negative effects of taurine? i’ve heard mixed reviews. anyone know what they are?
A: Check this site out: http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/nmdrugprofiles/nutsupdrugs/tau_0246.shtmlIt has the background of taurine. It seems any of the potential positive effects haven’t been completely proven. Pregnant woman or nursing mothers should avoid supplements unless checking with a physician first. Same with people having congestive heart failure.
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